We are just weeks away from our 15th annual BICAS art auction. Its a lot of work getting it together and I am sure there are more efficient ways that you can raise money but it sure is a whole heck of a lot of fun. Its also the most unique art auction I have ever been to. After 15 years it has become a must attend event for many folks and we get upwards of 400 items donated that all depict cycling, or the bicycle or of course are made from old bike parts.
The event raises about $10,000 annually for BICAS. Its a really fun event for everyone and all can afford to bid on something but the big spenders help get the price up on some of the larger items making it a successful money maker.
See some of my pieces at.... http://troyneiman.wordpress.com/category/bicycle-part-art/
and the BICAS art auction archives at... http://bicas.org/artauctioncatalog/
Please use our ideas for your organizations fundraiser
I would be happy to answer any questions about our auction if yall want to get a hold of me.
Can never have 2 many bike parts. Troy Neiman @ BICAS, Tucson
-----Original Message----- From: Christine Hill christine@localmotion.org To: Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Sent: Tue, Nov 16, 2010 12:26 pm Subject: [TheThinkTank] Fundraiser Ideas
Hello all!
I just finished helping Bike Recycle Vermont host their fifth silent auction/bluegrass concert fundraiser. It's something our organization has been doing for five years, and all of the people who worked on it this year agreed that the event was really tired and that we'd prefer to do something that's more accesible to the people we serve and our volunteers and that's more in line with our mission. Anyone out there have some ideas or examples of successful fundraisers that incorporate your volunteers, that involve bikes, yada yada? Any and all suggestions welcome. Thanks!
Christine Bike Recycle Vermont Burlington, VT