Hi all,
During Darrin's session (about making decisions in groups/bike!bike! organizational structure discussion) I volunteered to compile all of the extant material that has been used by and resulted from previous iterations of bike!bike! So, I'm putting out a call.
Have you aided in organizing a Bike!Bike! conference? Even if you aren't affiliated with the hosting organization, but helped from afar, I can use documentation of anything that helped you. Any and every document even slightly related is welcome, but specifically I'm sure most people would appreciate the following:
successful AND unsuccessful procedures for finding housing (what DIDN'T work might be educational.) organizational methods for assigning housing records regarding loaner bike cataloging, storage, and acquisition web development timelines and records budgets printing costs templates for program/welcome zines food costs large scale food preparation info Overall program guidelines Anything else you think others would be interested to know.
I'm also working with Josh Bisker to get the zinezine.bikebike.org site fully functional. I'll compile all this stuff and put it up on the website (and post here) as soon as I'm able--depending of course on when I receive it.
Please send directly to me clint@boisebicycleproject.org
Thanks everybody,
Clint Watson Volunteer/Programs Coordinator Boise Bicycle Project 1027 Lusk St 208.429.6520