Hi Christopher I am interested in this conversation but couldn't participate at this time since I have a few more days of a leave and will be swamped with other priorities when I return on 2/1. Take care Andy Greif
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On Jan 25, 2012, at 1:24 PM, christopher@holisticcycles.com wrote:
I have been teaching Bicycle related subjects for 30+ years as a professional assembly trainer, Certified Master Tech/ trainer for national chain of bike shops, Teacher of Bicycle Vocation Education programs in profit and non for profit schools, and a class room teacher LD/BD using the bicycle as engagement focus for all academic subjects. I was taught through the original Schwinn mechanics school, Certified by Barnett's as a Master Technician, Certified assembler and mechanics trainer for HSF, and one of the founding members of Youth Bicycle Education Network, Bikes for Chicago, retired Director of Blackstone Bicycle Works, St Louis Bicycle Works, Bicycle Action Project, plus worked for many shops in my spare time. I am now writing material for professional shop training.
My two cents are: A highly trained mechanic that is not efficient, organized, fast, is going to find it hard to get employed year round or make the bicycle industry into a career. Vocational Education Programs need to include methods that make the students work both high quality and lightning fast. There also needs to be practice with accountability paperwork.
I achieved this quality, efficiency balance using many different methods. The one factor I focused on was "FUN"
Would you two or other on the list like to start a conversation about Vocation Education? Getting kids and adults into a good job?
Christopher Wallace Professional Bicycle Mechanic Trainer
Darryl, Ryan kragerud, prez of Bicycle Longmont, co. We're contemplating a partnership with a high school or our vocational school to start a bike maintenance/repair apprentice program. Do you have some info you could shoot me?
Ryan kragerud, President Bicycle Longmont Www.bicyclelongmont.org Www.gknightride.org
On Tuesday, January 24, 2012, Darryl Fuller darryl.f.fuller@gmail.com wrote: I run a bike shop at the independent co-ed High school I work at here in Western Colorado. We teach Bike Shop as part of our Work Program. We repair the school communities bikes and refurbish donated bicycles.
Darryl Fuller
Colorado Rocky Mountain School Bike Shop 1493 County Road 106 Carbondale, CO 81623 www.crms.org _______________________________________________ Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org To manage your subscription, plase visit: http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.o...