I'll copy our general policy on e-bikes below.
Note: We had a volunteer talk to the 8 retail shops in Missoula, and get their shop policy- we then created a one pager that we can email/give to folks. That sheet has been very helpful- instead of saying 'sorry, we cannot help you,' we can at least provide a resource.
Bob Giordano, Director, Free Cycles Missoula, www.freecycles.org, 406.541.7284, Missoula Institute for Sustainable Transportation, www.strans.org, mist@strans.org
From the Free Cycles Missoula staff handbook:
Currently Free Cycles has been providing very limited support for ebikes- with parts, tools, work space and help for a variety of basic functions like:
Tire and tube issues- like basic flats which are harder with bigger wheels.
Brake issues- primarily the mechanical disc brakes with small adjustments for the calipers pads. This needs to be done with a conversation to be sure the patron riding the bike understands the full potential of issues surrounding brakes for ebikes.
General bike service points- like handlebar/front wheel alignment, chain issues, and shifting/derailleur issues. The focus should be helping patrons with our direct knowledge that relates to parts and service for pedal-only bikes.
We can offer tips for heavier, secure locking systems that seem to be required for the more expensive ebikes that seem to be a higher theft attractant.
We generally stop at this level of service, yet we can provide a detailed list of retail bike shops and the ebikes services they currently provide in the Missoula Area. This information was compiled after having face to face meetings with each store. See the front room information area for the ebike document.
Another note on powered bicycles: While we can help in a limited capacity with ebikes, we do not service or help with bicycles that have been outfitted with gasoline engines. The smell and danger is too high to have these motorbikes inside the shop. --
On 2024-04-17 10:40 am, Todd Spinner via TheThinkTank wrote:
Our coop, The BIke Project of Urbana-Champaign in Illinois, currently bans electronic or ebikes. There is some pressure to change this policy. What kinds of policies do other coops have in regards to ebikes?
Todd Spinner The Bike Project