So here are two hare brain ideas that have been thrown out here in baltimore and i wanted to get y'alls take on them...
- a bicycle blue book...we were talking about pricing bikes and how
arbitrary it often seems,(often two members will claim wildly different prices with equal authority and citing the same number of sources) and someone mentioned that in this time of the growing bicycle collective/community shop projects there may be enough of a market to be able to approach a publisher about creating a blue book that would price for instance, a 1982 murray...I know this sounds crazy, but I was wondering how crazy was it really....
- Someone approached us recently about a bio friendly parts cleaner.
Apparently it has enzymes that eat oil so less bad stuff going into the environment/less exposure to toxic chemicals ourselves. He said he may be able to get us a machine for free, but it would cost around a grand to fill it up. does anyone have any experience with this kind of machine or technology? Is it worth our time and fundraising? I've been thinking alot lately about ways to make our shop more green friendly by doing things like cutting down on plastic use and using vinegar and baking soda as cleaners instead of bleach and such... http://www.biocircle.com/portal/page?_pageid=73,394253&_dad=portal&_...
what do y'all think? am I crazy? -beth velocipede bike project baltmore, md(hey, try to remember to include your city and shop in posts)