Because you have a heart, yes you have been outed. I think that is one benefit of bike collectives is that we can take these old 10 year old bikes and get them to people that need them. Maybe not good enough for the original rider, but better than a department store Magna or what not. But I think turning over the Magnas is still worth while. No one should have to buy them new however, a $30 magna that you have to replace in a year is better than a $150 one.
On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 8:49 PM, Michael Wolfe gzuphoesdown@gmail.com wrote:
arrrgh, I can't remember why I joined this discussion now but one thing is for certain, more people are commuting, and that's a good thing. A refurbished 10 year old trek mtn bike originally worth $350 will outlast a Magna hands down. These bikes are everywhere. Yard sales, second hand stores, neighborhood clean-up piles. . . you name it. Perhaps just simply tossing the Magnas as they arrive in the shop and focusing on acquiring more "better" bikes is the solution; if there really is a problem in the first place. At least steel from cheaper bikes could be contributed to the War effort. http://www.flickr.com/photos/23205249@N03/2400730147/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/23205249@N03/2400730143/