Idaho Stop.
The "Idaho Stop" should be pushed for in every state.
Nothing would be better for bicycling.
Groups abandoning cycling as the main~ & only focus~ have harmed cycling. Cycling has been severely set back, the last few years, by very wrong ideas~ & will continue to suffer until a major mindset change occurs and a return of people independently minded who view cycling properly. The onslaught against cyclists (purportedly for & by cyclists) that has occurred in this century has failed cyclists.
A momentous chance has been squandered.
~Robert Allan Rands
On Thursday, January 18, 2024 at 06:55:02 PM EST, thethinktank-request@lists.bikecollectives.org wrote:
Send TheThinkTank mailing list submissions to thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: Bicycle Retail story on community shops (Sam Haraldson) 2. Group Ride protocols (Gordon Hamachi) 3. Re: Group Ride protocols (Lloyd ) 4. Re: Bicycle Retail story on community shops (Jonathan Rosenbaum)
Message: 1 Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2024 12:38:45 -0700 From: Sam Haraldson sam@bozemanbikekitchen.org Subject: [TheThinkTank] Re: Bicycle Retail story on community shops To: The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Cc: Bobby Kennedy Bobby@dsmstreetcollective.org Message-ID: CADu_z43kxU_yv+tDON9nRp-neuth7Z8hh3fH6C_+teeCgM05VQ@mail.gmail.com Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="000000000000b1ca7e060f3d832b"
Doesn't look like the Wiki allows editing for Special Pages. Any
Bobby Kennedy
Howdy Bobby,
That table is automatically created by pulling information from an individual bike collectives' page in the Wiki.
Start by finding your country on the following page and then creating a new page for your collective within the proper state/province/region. Copy a template from another collective that has a nice setup so that the proper tags are in there which will then automatically populate the info to that table. https://bikecollectives.org/wiki/Community_Bicycle_Organizations
The list is created using something called "Cargo Query" (don't ask me what that means, I just logically stopped and figured this out while trying to answer your question). You can learn what the different info that is displayed on it by looking at the "shop_info" section at the bottom of this page: https://bikecollectives.org/wiki/Special:CargoTableDiagram
You're welcome to copy the text from our shop to use in setting up your own shop if you'd like: https://bikecollectives.org/wiki/Bozeman_Bike_Kitchen
Cheers, Sam