Thanks you. Well said. good things to consider. Jane Falls City Community BikeWorks, Louisville KY
-----Original Message----- From: momoko saunders analyst@bikefarm.org To: The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Sent: Tue, Feb 14, 2017 3:34 pm Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Big questions about trust, classism, and preconceptions
At Bike Farm we have a similar policy. Volunteering for a steady two months can lead to a key. You have to be nominated, and it's the responsibility of the person who nominated you to ensure that you understand the rules of the shop.
We've had a number houseless folks be key holders. Besides the occasional person sleeping at the shop when it's pouring freezing rain outside, we haven't had any issues. But we are still selective of who we nominate.
For example, there's a fellow who's been volunteering for months now. He's super dedicated. But honestly, he displays some paranoid tendencies, and sometimes get's into verbal altercations with others. We vote on who gets a key, and just like all our decisions, anyone can veto a proposal. I would vote "no" if this person came up for key nomination. I have no problems with letting people know why I don't think it would be appropriate.
There are a ton of valid reasons to object to someone's nomination. I hope you and other volunteers feel comfortable enough to express yourselves. At the same time, there are no rules for those valid reasons. Economic status and or past drug use, to me, are not valid reasons to deny someone a key. Try to base your conclusions on their present behaviour, not your assumptions.
It's lucky you get 4 months of time to observe the person in the shop. If after 4 months, you're still not sure if you can trust them, hang out with them more. Try being friends. What's their life like?
It seems like you're searching for a rule to follow, but the reality is that trust is something we develop. Trust is vital for shops like ours to operate.
I think if you really got to know the person, you would feel more comfortable with trusting them with a key to the shop. You shouldn't be afraid to express if you don't trust someone. But one would hope that feeling of untrust is based on their actions, and not stereotypes.
Good luck! Being accepting and conscientious isn't easy work. -momoko
On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 11:57 AM, Andrew Shooner ashooner@gmail.com wrote:
Hi all,
Looking for some wisdom on what I think is a pretty deep question for our shop. Quick background: Broke Spoke is a non-profit community bike shop, with a mission to give everyone better access to better bikes, and enable everyone to do their own maintenance. A big part of our community has been a social services campus nearby which includes long-term residency, an overnight shelter, a free cafeteria, and a residential substance abuse rehab program. People from that center use the shop frequently, and are probably the most common group to earn bikes from the shop.
Right now, once you regularly commit to a certain number of hours consistently for 4 months, we provide you a key to the shop, so you can come in on your own time to work on your own stuff and free up open shop hours so you can volunteer. This has always been by invitation rather than an automatic 'upgrade'. We have a small group of regular volunteers from the center some of whom would otherwise qualify for this type of access, but have never been invited.
We're making an effort this winter to reorganize our shop volunteerism to be more inclusive, and the discussion has led to addressing this. Without speaking for others from the shop, I'll share my own thoughts: on one hand, I hate the notion that someone's general economic status could disqualify them from becoming a more involved member of our community. The other side of that is that severe economic stress or a substance abuse problem can have a serious influence on someone's behavior, and it isn't necessarily an individual character judgement to be more cautious about access to our entire shop (~150 bikes, 8 stands, power tools, etc - our whole operation). But that lands you back in a pretty categorically classist conclusion that poor(er) people are inherently less trustworthy in the shop. I also don't like where that logic leads: where do you draw the line?
My gut tells me that the potential benefit in granting someone that trust is worth the risk, but I appreciate the other, more cautious perspective as well. Any thoughts or experiences would be appreciated!
Thanks, Andy Broke Spoke, Lexington KY
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