Good info! So that we don't lose this I added it to the wiki:
On Feb 1, 2008 11:11 AM, Peter Garver pgarver@gmail.com wrote:
We have a four-tier policy for all new parts purchasing (including special orders). Anyone can pay retail, members get retail -15%, members who volunteer an average of 10 hours a month get -30%, and staff, board members, and volunteers who accept special responsibilities get -45% (so we still cover shipping costs and the time we put in on ordering). We also occasionally sell to another local bike collective at a very small markup and do some discounts for clients, mostly on locks and helmets for kids' programs.
It's been this way for our whole "mature" history, and I've never seen it cause any problems. What it takes to get each discount is very clear, and only requires a certain commitment of time, not anyone's approval. It doesn't cause any grief from shops, because the total of people who can get 30% or more is probably less than 30. I'm pretty sure it's wholly compatible with all of QBP's policies, too.
On 1/31/08, Jessica McPherson jessica_mcp@yahoo.com wrote:
Something to add is that we require people to give 24 hours volunteer
time every three months in order to join the collective council. The qbp privilege is a bonus for that commitment. And, it is consistent with QBP's policy, in that the people who can make personal orders are essentially the "employees" of the shop.
----- Original Message ---- From: Stuart O Anderson soa@ri.cmu.edu To: The Think Tank thethinktank@bikecollectives.org Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 4:17:43 PM Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Collective members/ordering from QBP
I can't find the policy on the QBP dealer site, you might want to call your account rep to check. I believe the deal is that it's OK for shop employees to make personal orders for personal use, possibly with some total dollar cap on how much can be ordered for this use in a year? We let collective members add items to our orders for personal use with the understanding that the stuff they order isn't going to be given away/resold. If someone wants more than $500 worth of stuff it goes through collective review.
On Jan 30, 2008 2:14 PM, plan_9@riseup.net wrote:
I was wondering if anyone has any policy in place that allows or
dis-allows collective members from ordering new parts, frame/forks, or
even complete bikes from QBP. Shops that do allow ordering, what
restrictions from QBP apply?
Thanks, Andrew
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-- Peter Garver Assistant Director Ohio City Bicycle Co-op (216)830-2667 http://ohiocitycycles.org _______________________________________________ Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@bikecollectives.org