20 Jan
20 Jan
2:38 p.m.
So I just checked the Bike! Bike! website and I see that this years event is scheduled for June 21-24. Why? This is literally the peak of the season and makes it impossible for us to attend.
We've been to 3 Bike! Bike!'s in the past and they were some of the most magical, inspiring events for our group; invaluable. It's a shame that we will again not be able to attend this year.
Rich Points
Community Cycles Executive Director
720-565-6019 (W)
303-589-0597 (C)
CC is Boulder's only bike shop dedicated to bike commuting.
Find us on FaceBook http://facebook.com/home.php#!/CommunityCycles
Volunteer orientations are held 6p.m. on the 4th Wednesday of each month.