Hi All Do a google for "product name" msds msds stands for material safety data sheet and is required by govt regs. It is a good idea to get an msds for each product you use in your shop, it contains a wealth of information written in understandable english. etc,etc,etc google triflow msds.....
Regards Tom L.
On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 2:22 PM, Nice Weather smarsa1@hotmail.com wrote:
Pretty much every shop I know has discontinued use of that ever so banana smelling wonder lube.
Ummm, quick google search on my part turns up;
"Occupational exposure to chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons and risk of astrocytic brain cancer. Heineman EF, Cocco P, Gómez MR, Dosemeci M, Stewart PA, Hayes RB, Zahm SH, Thomas TL, Blair A.
Occupational Studies Section, National Cancer Institute, Rockville, MD 20892.
Chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons (CAHs) were evaluated as potential risk factors for astrocytic brain tumors. Job-exposure matrices for six individual CAHs and for the general class of organic solvents were applied to data from a case-control study of brain cancer among white men. The matrices indicated whether the CAHs were likely to have been used in each industry and occupation by decade (1920-1980), and provided estimates of probability and intensity of exposure for "exposed" industries and occupations. Cumulative exposure indices were calculated for each subject. Associations of astrocytic brain cancer were observed with likely exposure to carbon tetrachloride, methylene chloride, tetrachloroethylene, and trichloroethylene, but were strongest for methylene chloride. Exposure to chloroform or methyl chloroform showed little indication of an association with brain cancer. Risk of astrocytic brain tumors increased with probability and average intensity of exposure, and with duration of employment in jobs considered exposed to methylene chloride, but not with a cumulative exposure score. These trends could not be explained by exposures to the other solvents.
PMID: 7977393 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]"
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2012 11:05:29 -0800 From: davidmbosch@yahoo.com To: thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org
Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Is your shop OSHA Compliant?
Before everybody gets all bent out of shape about Tri-Flow being a "systemic neurotoxin", can anyone site scientific literature that backs up this claim? I just did a check on Google Scholar any came up with nothing...Or does Google cause cancer as well and therefore is in on this conspiracy? David
*From:* "christopher@holisticcycles.com" christopher@holisticcycles.com *To:* The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org *Sent:* Monday, December 3, 2012 1:34 PM *Subject:* Re: [TheThinkTank] Is your shop OSHA Compliant?
Triflow is also a systemic neurotoxin that wrecks both nervous system and brain. Really bad stuff
Christopher Wallace Holistic Cycles 140 Harrison St Oak Park, IL. 60304
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Is your shop OSHA Compliant? From: Leslie Peteya lesliepeteya@gmail.com Date: Mon, November 05, 2012 5:58 pm To: The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org
- Chemical-soaked rags are stored in metal fireproof containers
- Chemicals are kept at least 4 feet high away from children
- No smoking within 10 feet of the shop
- Fluorescent lights and radiant heaters are caged to prevent them from
being struck by bikes or random flying parts (our back room is only 7 feet high) 5) Welding is done strictly outside the shop, no youth allowed. 6) We have a fire extinguisher in the shop, and try to minimize clutter. 7) I keep a well stocked first aid box because people are always stabbing themselves with cable ends, chainrings, tools, and the like. 8) Encourage volunteers to get tetanus vaccinations and boosters. 9) Keep the shop stocked with nitrile gloves to prevent lubricants and penetrants from making skin contact- TriFlow is particularly absorbent, and will cause capillaries to break in the hands. We switched to ChainJ for this reason. 10) Water cooler and electrolyte mix, working inside or in the shade, and shorter shop hours during the summer to prevent heatstroke and dehydration. 11) Possibly making our core volunteers take Basic First Aid and CPR, although we have enough first response people floating around the shop (on-duty cops, nurses, PAs, etc.) to be sufficient. 12) All electrical and water lines are marked- electrical lines are run down from the ceiling to prevent trip hazards. 13) Encourage closed toe shoes, goggles and masks if filing, sanding or otherwise running power tools.
That's about all I can think of for now. -Leslie Durham Bike Co-op (NC)
On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 6:52 PM, Rich Points director@communitycycles.orgwrote:
Hey All, I just went to a day long seminar on Human Resources where they spent some time talking about OSHA. From what they said at the seminar OSHA can come in at any time and audit your shop. Apparently if they find violations they can fine the shit out of you. Here are some things I learned and remember this was 20mins of a day long seminar, there are week long classes on this stuff. This is a very short list.
- All chemicals and solvents should have warning labels on them
clearly stating what's in them in *multiple languages*
- You should not keep aspirin, ibuprofen, neosporin or any other
pharmaceuticals that someone could potentially have a reaction to in your medicine cabinet*
- Exit signs should be on all doors.
- There should be no trip hazards.
- Your staff needs to go through trainings on such things as how to
use a ladder.
This list is nowhere close to comprehensive but I'm going to be looking into this more in the coming weeks and months. We've been around for almost seven years now never had a serious accident and I want to keep it that way.
What are you guys doing to keep your shops safe and maybe even OSHA compliant?
Ride On!
Rich Points http://communitycycles.org Executive Director (c)303-589-0597 (w)720-565-6019
Community Cycles is Boulder's only bike shop dedicated to bike commuting. Find us on facebook https://www.facebook.com/CommunityCycles
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