While I have no doubt Kyle thinks often of Sheldon Brown when he reflects upon, as he often does, his favorite bicycle thinkers, I happen to know Kyle and suspect his pantheon of bicycle thinkers is large enough to have included categories for living and dead, and many sub- and sub-sub- categories among them, long before he had the unfortunate task of mentally scooting Sheldon from the "living" to the "not living" card catalog in his head.
One thing I have always liked about Kyle is that look he gives you when he suddenly realizes you have never even heard of the obscure contributor to the bicycling canon from 1971 who he has just been discussing at length. After which he proceeds to enlighten you, and tell you about the amazing conversation he once had with that person about bike-seat technology and potential, if highly theoretical, improvements on ball-bearing manufacture.
Anyway, we obviously need a wiki for bike thinkers.
tom emm wrote:
"favorite living bicycle thinker" is probably a (thinly veiled reference) to the late great Sheldon Brown,www.sheldonbrown.com, he is easy to read, easy to understand, he talked right to us, like he was right there in the room with you, gentle , kind he spoke the truth some where on his website he says "I never take myself too seriously".I love that quote. Thank you Kyle, for invoking Brown, ...lest we forget.
On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 9:30 PM, dragonfly@mac.hush.com wrote:
Kyle McKinley, I love that I can open an e-mail and read that anyone is someone's "favorite living bicycle thinker".
Thank you for having a catagory of "bicycle thinkers" in your head, for having favorites, and for having so many favorites that they must be subcatagorized into "living" and, presumably, "dead" 'bicycle thinkers'.