Hey! My name's Cris Shirley, I'm a student at Yale in Environmental Studies, and I'm making documentary on bike collectives in the northeast for my senior thesis (Environmental Studies degree). I'm planning to start shooting at the beginning of the summer, riding my bike to the collectives, and staying for around a week. I'm trying to get my contacts and schedule laid out now so I can pack in a much over the summer as possible. I wanted to give collectives a heads up, and if your interested in getting filmed, or your collective included, or if you could host me for a bit of time in town, etc. Any references to people or places that might be good to film would be great too.
Also, I'm looking for some *stock footage* or stuff that's been shot on bike collectives that I might be able to include in my documentary, so I'd like to talk to anyone that has done any camera or audio work that might be interested in sharing.
On that note, any *music* that has been made that works with theme of collectives, bikes, etc would be awesome to try to include in the project.
Also, if you have any art or are an artist that would like to be included in the project.
Thanks! Cris