Hi there think-tankers!
I am trying to learn more about the different challenges and experiences that women face while riding bicycles. This study is part of a project for a graduate class on Women in Urban Environments. I would love for your voice and input to be a part of this project--please follow the link below to take an anonymous 5-question survey. This survey will close on *Wednesday, December 14th at 8pm (EST)*.
Please note that this survey is only for individuals who identify as women.
https://goo.gl/forms/9W6jebJBc8Lgryu92 https://goo.gl/forms/dMezzpUJfOPlpQcF3
I think that this community would have some great input to offer. I'll make sure to post the project results on this thread too once everything is done. Please feel free to shoot me an email with any questions, concerns, etc.
Thank you!
*bud tymczyszyn* ** *pronounced tim-chiz-in*
*graduate assistant * * \ bike muncie*
*buddytym@gmail.com buddytym@gmail.com \ 909.499.5038 <(909)%20499-5038>*