Re: [TheThinkTank] Bike Education/Clinic curriculum?

Hello, Everyone.
I hope you are all doing well, financial meltdown
I'd like to vote for BOTH keeping the education and curriculum
thread as part of the list serv AND for having it all together, accessible by wiki.
Also, does anyone know how to create productive bike
sensitivity trainings for police departments and city governments?
I've done a couple with mixed-to-positive results, but changing
the culture here in the Motor city area is a ongoing project, and good tips and techniques are always welcome.
Has anyone found a way to reach into driver's ed programs to improve their bike-friendliness?
On Thu, 09 Oct 2008 13:10:11 -0400 Christina Illarmo wrote:
Hello Think Tank,
It's great to see so many people and organizations across the country communicating to make our work stronger and more meaningful.Greetings to you all.
For those who haven't seen it, our Earn-A-Bike Instructor Training
Manual which we use in our youth programs is available to download off of
our website. We also sell these for $7 but please feel free to download the manual and see if it is useful in your own programming.
We also have a youth made bike safety training video about 45 minutes long which discusses general bike & helmet fit, bike safety checks, rules of the road, bike path etiquette, preparing for a ride, and general tips (how to prep for a ride, crossing train tracks, hand signals right and left turns...). Please contact me directly if you are interested in purchasing this video for $35. All proceeds will go towards supporting our work at Bikes Not Bombs.
peace, Christina
-- Christina Illarmo Girls' Programming & Bike Safety Coordinator Bikes Not Bombs 284 Amory St, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 (617) 522-0222 x102

good suggestion wrt having it here and there. i like that.
as for working with municipalities, i don't have any experience myself, but i am working with our school district here to come up with a PE class appropriate curriculum for use in jr high schools come spring. we're looking at a lot of other curricula from other groups and other areas, and something i saw this morning that caught my eye was the following, from portland, OR's BTA curriculum, paraphrased by me:
"training kids to ride bikes effectively and safely teaches them skills that they will take with them when they begin to drive." not that i'm all about kids graduating into cars, but that it's a useful angle to sell when asked "why is this important?" from folks who don't ride and don't see the benefits.
i am super interested in the police training idea. sasha, if you'd like, i can put you in touch with one of our local cops here in boulder who is in the traffic department, and he a>oversees the few bike cops in town we have, and b>is super awesome and supportive of just about everything community cycles is involved with. email me off list if you're interested. i don't know what kind of resources he might have, but he'd be a great place to start if were working on that project...
On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 11:26 AM, wrote:
Hello, Everyone.
I hope you are all doing well, financial meltdown notwithstanding.
I'd like to vote for BOTH keeping the education and curriculum thread as part of the list serv AND for having it all together, accessible by wiki.
Also, does anyone know how to create productive bike sensitivity trainings for police departments and city governments?
I've done a couple with mixed-to-positive results, but changing the culture here in the Motor city area is a ongoing project, and good tips and techniques are always welcome.
Has anyone found a way to reach into driver's ed programs to improve their bike-friendliness?
On Thu, 09 Oct 2008 13:10:11 -0400 Christina Illarmo wrote:
Hello Think Tank,
It's great to see so many people and organizations across the country communicating to make our work stronger and more meaningful.Greetings to you all.
For those who haven't seen it, our Earn-A-Bike Instructor Training
Manual which we use in our youth programs is available to download off of
our website. We also sell these for $7 but please feel free to download the manual and see if it is useful in your own programming.
We also have a youth made bike safety training video about 45 minutes long which discusses general bike & helmet fit, bike safety checks, rules of the road, bike path etiquette, preparing for a ride, and general tips (how to prep for a ride, crossing train tracks, hand signals right and left turns...). Please contact me directly if you are interested in purchasing this video for $35. All proceeds will go towards supporting our work at Bikes Not Bombs.
peace, Christina
-- Christina Illarmo Girls' Programming & Bike Safety Coordinator Bikes Not Bombs 284 Amory St, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 (617) 522-0222 x102
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Hi all,
Bici Centro in Santa Barbara offers some Adult Classes and we just finished putting together a page for "Adult Ed Class Materials: Instructors Only":
Instructor sheets are suggestions intended to structure the content of the class: they are not very detailed.
Student hand-out (which are PDF files) are again not very detailed. Students are encouraged to add their own notes.
Please feel free to send me some feedback. We can always improve.
Thanks and Happy Halloween!

Kudos on a good bunch of work! I've collected materials from various sources to use in my own program, and if you don't mind I'll add them to my library.
I do have one thought: I organize my classes in order of importance. The first class is an overview, of course, including helmet use. The second class is brakes, to help ensure that my students make it to the third. Saddles, seatposts, stems and handlebars are next. From there, it's dealer's choice.
Good luck with your program! I have fond memories of Santa Barbara. I would travel from Phoenix, Arizona to UCSB for the Isla Vista juggling festival every year.
Doug Franz, President Coatesville Community Bike Works Coatesville, PA
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Christine Bourgeois Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 12:29 PM To: The Think Tank Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Bike Education/Clinic curriculum?
Hi all,
Bici Centro in Santa Barbara offers some Adult Classes and we just finished putting together a page for "Adult Ed Class Materials: Instructors Only":
Instructor sheets are suggestions intended to structure the content of the class: they are not very detailed.
Student hand-out (which are PDF files) are again not very detailed. Students are encouraged to add their own notes.
Please feel free to send me some feedback. We can always improve.
Thanks and Happy Halloween!

To Add to What Christina Already Said . . .
I think one of the keys to our success here in developing our youth
programs is the emergence of the Youth Instructor Program. Youth
instructors are program alumni who are either paid or volunteer in
teaching the Earn-a-Bike and Girls in Action classes. To us, this model
is key for creating the youth network that sustains our programs in
terms of programming and support. Their first hand knowledge of what it
is like to be an Earn-a-Biker is invaluable and enhances their ability
to connect with program participants. I know that youth programs here
would not be as strong as they are without the youth themselves.
Regarding curriculum design, our program works off of one question:
What will it take for a young person to independently repair and
maintain his/her own bicycle? Working back from there, it's just a
matter of answering that question and fitting lessons to work with
Our program currently runs four days a week, m-th, from 3:30 to 6:30.
We structure that time by starting with an ice breaker for the first
20/30 min. We then split the group (normally around 16 young people)
into two. One half goes out on a ride and the other does mechanics. We
then switch. It makes group size much more manageable to do this split
and it also ensures that all youth are actively engaged.
I don't know if these details are helpful, but I thought I'd share them
in hopes that others would share their approach/structures as well.
Matt Picard
Youth Programming Director
Bikes Not Bombs ~ 284 Amory Street Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
617-522-0222 x 101
617-522-0922 (fax)
*note: As of August '08, Matt Picard has replaced Matt Soycher as Youth
Programming Director. Same first name, different last.
On Oct 9, 2008, at 1:26 PM, wrote:
Hello, Everyone.
I hope you are all doing well, financial meltdown
I'd like to vote for BOTH keeping the education and curriculum
thread as part of the list serv AND for having it all together, accessible by wiki.
Also, does anyone know how to create productive bike
sensitivity trainings for police departments and city governments?
I've done a couple with mixed-to-positive results, but changing
the culture here in the Motor city area is a ongoing project, and good tips and techniques are always welcome.
Has anyone found a way to reach into driver's ed programs to improve their bike-friendliness?
On Thu, 09 Oct 2008 13:10:11 -0400 Christina Illarmo wrote:
Hello Think Tank,
It's great to see so many people and organizations across the country communicating to make our work stronger and more meaningful.Greetings to you all.
For those who haven't seen it, our Earn-A-Bike Instructor Training
Manual which we use in our youth programs is available to download off of
our website. We also sell these for $7 but please feel free to download the manual and see if it is useful in your own programming.
We also have a youth made bike safety training video about 45 minutes long which discusses general bike & helmet fit, bike safety checks, rules of the road, bike path etiquette, preparing for a ride, and general tips (how to prep for a ride, crossing train tracks, hand signals right and left turns...). Please contact me directly if you are interested in purchasing this video for $35. All proceeds will go towards supporting our work at Bikes Not Bombs.
peace, Christina
-- Christina Illarmo Girls' Programming & Bike Safety Coordinator Bikes Not Bombs 284 Amory St, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 (617) 522-0222 x102
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Note: This signature can be verified at Charset: UTF8 Version: Hush 3.0wkYEARECAAYFAkjuPsAACgkQ5O7ahKJmrRnPXwCeLpJuZf1V/Q9myR8Oh/4I86TV3iUA oIFmY9eZ+qE4RjR5kdUSL9BoF+HM =zoy3 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
Thethinktank mailing list To unsubscribe, send a blank email to To manage your subscription, plase visit:
participants (5)
Christine Bourgeois
Doug Franz
Matt Picard