Phoenix Bikes Hiring an Executive Director

Hi Everyone,
Phoenix Bikes is hiring for our next Executive Director. If you know of anyone who might be a good fit, please encourage them to apply!
*Job Title: *Executive Director *Organization:* Phoenix Bikes *Location: *Arlington, VA *Salary: *$75,000 - $90,000 *Details*: See Indeed posting*1ali10k*_gcl_au*NTMxNjE0OTgxLjE3MTk1MjMxNjU.*_ga*NzYyMDIyNTU5LjE2Njk3NjkyOTY.*_ga_5KTMMETCF4*MTcyMDQ2Mzc3Ny4zMDguMS4xNzIwNDY1NDU3LjU5LjAuMA..*_fplc*T2VvQldzd1F6RDdOQzhnQXAwU0RJdkZrWXdhWCUyQmpScEQyTlZQVnBpcUJXMFM0RHdDeWpZYWw0RjVqQnh5UDZwWjZKZmZjR0hrJTJCWktIMCUyRlBCeUV5ZjEyTmNRMXlEQ0h1cXcxSDhLYUM5dWh1QlN2TSUyRk04NmRDNHFvZW4xNmclM0QlM0Q.. Applications will be accepted through July 19.
It's been a fun (and challenging!) position the last 5+ years for me, and I'd love to hand the reins (handlebars?) off to an incredible leader to take the organization forward!
Cheers, Emily
[image: Phoenix Bikes] *Emily Gage* Executive Director, Phoenix Bikes |
[image: icon] 909 S. Dinwiddie St. Arlington, VA 22204,%20VA%2022204
[image: icon] (703) 346-0035
participants (1)
Emily Gage