Re: [TheThinkTank] ?official bike!bike! listserv?

Have these messages been going out to the whole list? I think everyone should be aware (or given a chance to object) that BikeBike! discussions will likely take place on this list with a subject prefix of [BB07].
Enjoy, Jay
On 1/26/07, nichola* wrote:
i agree. let's add the prefix [BB07] to the thinktank listserv.
concerning the bike!bike! conference website, i'd like to keep the url consistent and seperate from the website. the former is for the conference, the latter is a resource site for collectives. yes, they are almost one and the same, but not really. and adding a link on for the website will draw google bots to the site.
the bike!bike! conference website files are currently on my server and are simple html. i'm the only one working on it, but i don't oppose the files going to another website and having the URL point to a different server if that proves to be more efficient (although i don't see a switch as neccesary). if others wish to work on updating the bike!bike! website, holla back and we can work collabortively.
nichola. 773.504.4902
-------Original Message------- From: Jay Varner Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] ?official bike!bike! listserv? Sent: 26 Jan '07 16:40
If we do stay here (which seems fine) can we agree to add a BikeBike! prefix to the subject of BikeBike! related messages? For example - Subject = BB07: Is Awesome.
On 1/26/07, Jonathan Morrison wrote:
Almost every single collective out there is enrolled on the think tank list, so I would just use the think tank -- no need to confuse or splinter an already small group.
Also is doing quite well on google searches these days, so send the content and we can put it up there.
-- Sincerely,
Jonathan Morrison Project Coordinator Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective 2312 S. West Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84115 w: 801-328-2453 c: 801-688-0183 f: 801-466-3856
On 1/26/07, nichola*_ wrote:
hey y'all. i can't remember if there is an official bike!bike! conference listserv from the last bike!bike! in 2006. perhaps there was just mass emails to everyone from the previous organizers.
i'll be working on making updates to for the 2007 conference. the folks from freeride in pittsburgh will be doing a call out soon for those interested in receiving e-mail updates for the upcoming bike!bike!, but i wanted to figure out if there is a list already in existence.
holla back, nichola. (in chicago again)
thethinktank mailing list
participants (1)
Jay Varner