Virtual BIKE! BIKE! interest survey

I have never made it to a Bike! Bike! because I try to keep a motor minimalist traveling radius. But the Bici! Bici!s I went to in California were most excellent, I can only imagine how much fun Bike! Bike! is.
So this year, my partner (Darin Wick) and I (Angel York) are offering to host an online Bike! Bike!! Now! With a smaller carbon footprint!!! I know I haven't been active here on the Think Tank for a while, so here's my wiki page if you're newer and curious about me.
*Please fill out this interest survey before 8am on May 1*:*
* *
I am also happy to share the results (minus contact info) with anyone who is curious.
Thanks, Angel
*(original deadline was midnight April 30 but I won't be awake at midnight)
participants (1)
Angel York