Five years ago Bike Pirates opened as a small, bare-bones DIY workspace in a storefront on Bathurst Street. We have grown so much and helped so many people in the past five years, we should be extremely proud of ourselves. We are always working to improve our space, our knowledge and our impact on the community, and we wouldn't have evolved into what we are now (and what we are envisioning for our future) without the help, experience and patience of all of our volunteers.
To anyone who has volunteered with Pirates over the years, and to all of the bicycles and riders we have helped, congratulations on five years of good work.
We also value the insight and amazing talents of all of the folks we have met and shared ideas with here on the thinktank and each year at Bike!Bike! We are awed by the amazing work you do, and the myriad ways we are all able to strive for the same goals. Thank you for providing us with this amazing community of support, and for inspiration of the past five years.
Xo Bike Pirates.
participants (1)
Ainsley Naylor