Hello! I've attached the liability waiver we use at Bici in Birmingham. I think we modeled this off of something we either got from the wiki or from Sopo. A lawyer looked over it for us. We also have insurance because this waiver wouldn't actually protect us if someone was injured and decided to sue.
On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 5:41 PM, director director@communitycycles.orgwrote:
Hey All, We're going to start using a liability waiver. I'm looking for examples to model ours after. Please send yours to the list and/or post on the wiki.
-- Ride On!
Rich Points http://communitycycles.org Executive Director (c)303-589-0597 (w)720-565-6019
Community Cycles is Boulder's only bike shop dedicated to bike commuting. Find us on facebook https://www.facebook.com/CommunityCycles
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