Re: [TheThinkTank] Thethinktank Digest, Vol 187, Issue 2

Profits for what? Many have Paid staff, so I guess that's where the Profits could go. Our's, Bike New Britain does not. We use the money we make topay our rent, utilities, and buy new parts for repairs, recycling bikes for sale or donations, and sell parts and accessories to the general public, which are usually people of limited means.That said, I continually ask myself whether a totally volunteer org. can survive in the long On Thursday, May 5, 2022, 04:03:33 PM EDT, wrote:
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Today's Topics:
1. Shops operating as for profit Co-ops? (Carlyn Arteaga) 2. Re: Shops operating as for profit Co-ops? (Jean-Fran?ois Caron) 3. Re: Shops operating as for profit Co-ops? (Jim Sheehan)
Message: 1 Date: Wed, 4 May 2022 20:03:21 -0700 From: Carlyn Arteaga To: The Think Tank Subject: [TheThinkTank] Shops operating as for profit Co-ops? Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
*Spanish below // espa?ol abajo*
Hi all,
I am involved with a local mobility justice group here in Tucson called FUGA (Familias Unidas Ganando Accesibilidad), which is interested in supporting a bicycle co-op on Tucson's southside, which is our historically under-resourced area. BICAS, where I work, is a nonprofit, so I haven't had a lot of experience on the for profit side. Would any shops out there in ThinkTanklandia which operate as for profit co-ops be open to chatting with the FUGistas about your experiences, operations, challenges, etc? Perhaps even be willing to be part of a group call during which we could do some q & a with you and other co-op folks? If so, please let me know. Thanks for considering.
Ride on, ~Carlyn
Buenos d?as a todxs,
Estoy involucrado con un grupo local que se trata de las movilidades justas aqu? en Tucson llamado FUGA (Familias Unidas Ganando Accesibilidad), que est? interesado en apoyar una cooperativa de bicicletas en el Southside Tucson, que es nuestra ?rea hist?ricamente con recursos insuficientes. BICAS, donde trabajo ahora, es una organizaci?n sin fines de lucro, por lo que no he tenido mucha experiencia en el lado con fines lucrativos. ?Alguna tienda en ThinkTanklandia que opere como cooperativa con fines de lucro estar?a dispuesta a conversar con las FUGistas sobre sus experiencias, operaciones, desaf?os, etc.? ?Quiz?s incluso estar dispuesto a ser parte de una llamada grupal durante la cual podr?amos hacer algunas preguntas y respuestas con usted y otras cooperativas? Si es as?, por favor h?gamelo saber. Gracias por considerar.
Que sigan rodando, ~Carlyn
participants (1)