Volunteer and Drop-In Hours Participant Management Software

I'm curious about what Volunteer and Drop-In Hours software shops/co-ops are using to keep track of volunteer and drop-in participant hours. Charlie's Freewheels in Toronto is looking for something that we can use on a tablet in the shop for volunteers, Earn-a-bike and drop-in hours participants to all check in to so that we can more efficiently keep track of time spent volunteering or working on personal projects.
Thanks for any information!

We've been using CiviCRM for a few years. It's free software, but requires some expertise (or paying a company) to set up and maintain. It's probably overkill for most bike shops. https://civicrm.org/
Before that, we used a Google sheet with a web form to fill in hours. This is relatively quick and easy to set up, and works fairly well. You do need to remember to rotate the sheet about once a year, or it starts to get slow from too many rows.
On 6 July 2016 at 15:25, Alix Aylen alix@charliesfreewheels.ca wrote:
I'm curious about what Volunteer and Drop-In Hours software shops/co-ops are using to keep track of volunteer and drop-in participant hours. Charlie's Freewheels in Toronto is looking for something that we can use on a tablet in the shop for volunteers, Earn-a-bike and drop-in hours participants to all check in to so that we can more efficiently keep track of time spent volunteering or working on personal projects.
Thanks for any information!
-- *Alix Aylen* Program Coordinator 242.5 Queen Street E. M5A 1S3 Toronto, Ontario t. 416.546.2200 www.charliesfreewheels.ca
Charlie's FreeWheels *Inspiring a spirit of exploration in youth*
Sign up for our newsletter http://charliesfreewheels.us3.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=796baa6919ab0f3b6ac6aefc7&id=ed785a2666 Get more young people on bikes! Click the gear to donate to Charlies' FreeWheels https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=NTHJ4GHEZXKVQ . [image: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=NTHJ4GHEZXKVQ] https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=NTHJ4GHEZXKVQ
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Hi Alix,
You can study,
https://www.bikecollectives.org/wiki/index.php?title=Software http://bikebike.wvcompletestreets.org/
There are a few other interesting projects out there, but the source code has not been released for them. One issue that is a common denominator for many of these projects is that they are often coded specifically to a particular bike collective, sometimes with the database tied into the code, for one such project, it is tied into an expensive proprietary database. In the true spirit of FLOSS, I have spent significant time improving YBDB so that it is configurable and extensible for the needs of many collectives. That is the software Positive Spin has been using for the last two years; it has really helped automate several tasks. If tracking is the only functionality required, FreeHub is a popular choice.
On 07/06/2016 06:25 PM, Alix Aylen wrote:
I'm curious about what Volunteer and Drop-In Hours software shops/co-ops are using to keep track of volunteer and drop-in participant hours. Charlie's Freewheels in Toronto is looking for something that we can use on a tablet in the shop for volunteers, Earn-a-bike and drop-in hours participants to all check in to so that we can more efficiently keep track of time spent volunteering or working on personal projects.
Thanks for any information!
-- *Alix Aylen* Program Coordinator 242.5 Queen Street E. M5A 1S3 Toronto, Ontario t. 416.546.2200 tel:416.546.2200 www.charliesfreewheels.ca http://www.charliesfreewheels.ca/
Charlie's FreeWheels /Inspiring a spirit of exploration in youth/ / / Sign up for our newsletter http://charliesfreewheels.us3.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=796baa6919ab0f3b6ac6aefc7&id=ed785a2666 Get more young people on bikes! Click the gear to donate to Charlies' FreeWheels https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=NTHJ4GHEZXKVQ. https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=NTH... https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=NTHJ4GHEZXKVQ
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I made a sign in app for bike collectives.
app store link https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/signin/id1079267479?mt=8
it's iOS, (ipad/iphone :( I'm looking for feed back on it! If you want to chat about how to set it up and what features it offers, just message me and we can talk.
Also, any android developers want to take it on? Or a web developer to make a back end!!? I'll be at bikeBike in Detroit if anyone wants to get together and hack this.
Or does anyone want to help me with design or getting this app out there/known about and crafting it to be useful!?
On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 3:47 PM, Jonathan Rosenbaum gnuser@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Alix,
You can study,
https://www.bikecollectives.org/wiki/index.php?title=Software http://bikebike.wvcompletestreets.org/
There are a few other interesting projects out there, but the source code has not been released for them. One issue that is a common denominator for many of these projects is that they are often coded specifically to a particular bike collective, sometimes with the database tied into the code, for one such project, it is tied into an expensive proprietary database. In the true spirit of FLOSS, I have spent significant time improving YBDB so that it is configurable and extensible for the needs of many collectives. That is the software Positive Spin has been using for the last two years; it has really helped automate several tasks. If tracking is the only functionality required, FreeHub is a popular choice.
On 07/06/2016 06:25 PM, Alix Aylen wrote:
I'm curious about what Volunteer and Drop-In Hours software shops/co-ops are using to keep track of volunteer and drop-in participant hours. Charlie's Freewheels in Toronto is looking for something that we can use on a tablet in the shop for volunteers, Earn-a-bike and drop-in hours participants to all check in to so that we can more efficiently keep track of time spent volunteering or working on personal projects.
Thanks for any information!
-- *Alix Aylen* Program Coordinator 242.5 Queen Street E. M5A 1S3 Toronto, Ontario t. 416.546.2200 www.charliesfreewheels.ca
Charlie's FreeWheels *Inspiring a spirit of exploration in youth*
Sign up for our newsletter http://charliesfreewheels.us3.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=796baa6919ab0f3b6ac6aefc7&id=ed785a2666 Get more young people on bikes! Click the gear to donate to Charlies' FreeWheels https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=NTHJ4GHEZXKVQ . [image: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=NTHJ4GHEZXKVQ] https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=NTHJ4GHEZXKVQ
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Momoko I took a quick look at yours last month when I first threw around the idea of using a tracking app at Charlie's (where Alix also works). I'll hop on it again this week and send you a message about my experience/feelings!
:) will see you at B!B! for sure.
On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 12:53 PM, momoko saunders analyst@bikefarm.org wrote:
I made a sign in app for bike collectives.
app store link https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/signin/id1079267479?mt=8
it's iOS, (ipad/iphone :( I'm looking for feed back on it! If you want to chat about how to set it up and what features it offers, just message me and we can talk.
Also, any android developers want to take it on? Or a web developer to make a back end!!? I'll be at bikeBike in Detroit if anyone wants to get together and hack this.
Or does anyone want to help me with design or getting this app out there/known about and crafting it to be useful!?
On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 3:47 PM, Jonathan Rosenbaum gnuser@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Alix,
You can study,
https://www.bikecollectives.org/wiki/index.php?title=Software http://bikebike.wvcompletestreets.org/
There are a few other interesting projects out there, but the source code has not been released for them. One issue that is a common denominator for many of these projects is that they are often coded specifically to a particular bike collective, sometimes with the database tied into the code, for one such project, it is tied into an expensive proprietary database. In the true spirit of FLOSS, I have spent significant time improving YBDB so that it is configurable and extensible for the needs of many collectives. That is the software Positive Spin has been using for the last two years; it has really helped automate several tasks. If tracking is the only functionality required, FreeHub is a popular choice.
On 07/06/2016 06:25 PM, Alix Aylen wrote:
I'm curious about what Volunteer and Drop-In Hours software shops/co-ops are using to keep track of volunteer and drop-in participant hours. Charlie's Freewheels in Toronto is looking for something that we can use on a tablet in the shop for volunteers, Earn-a-bike and drop-in hours participants to all check in to so that we can more efficiently keep track of time spent volunteering or working on personal projects.
Thanks for any information!
-- *Alix Aylen* Program Coordinator 242.5 Queen Street E. M5A 1S3 Toronto, Ontario t. 416.546.2200 www.charliesfreewheels.ca
Charlie's FreeWheels *Inspiring a spirit of exploration in youth*
Sign up for our newsletter http://charliesfreewheels.us3.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=796baa6919ab0f3b6ac6aefc7&id=ed785a2666 Get more young people on bikes! Click the gear to donate to Charlies' FreeWheels https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=NTHJ4GHEZXKVQ . [image: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=NTHJ4GHEZXKVQ] https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=NTHJ4GHEZXKVQ
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After posting this, I looked at it again and noticed a bug! So I have to fix that. But give it a go and tell me about the pain points!
On Friday, July 8, 2016, Ainsley Naylor needleandthread@gmail.com wrote:
Momoko I took a quick look at yours last month when I first threw around the idea of using a tracking app at Charlie's (where Alix also works). I'll hop on it again this week and send you a message about my experience/feelings!
:) will see you at B!B! for sure.
On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 12:53 PM, momoko saunders <analyst@bikefarm.org javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','analyst@bikefarm.org');> wrote:
I made a sign in app for bike collectives.
app store link https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/signin/id1079267479?mt=8
it's iOS, (ipad/iphone :( I'm looking for feed back on it! If you want to chat about how to set it up and what features it offers, just message me and we can talk.
Also, any android developers want to take it on? Or a web developer to make a back end!!? I'll be at bikeBike in Detroit if anyone wants to get together and hack this.
Or does anyone want to help me with design or getting this app out there/known about and crafting it to be useful!?
On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 3:47 PM, Jonathan Rosenbaum <gnuser@gmail.com javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','gnuser@gmail.com');> wrote:
Hi Alix,
You can study,
https://www.bikecollectives.org/wiki/index.php?title=Software http://bikebike.wvcompletestreets.org/
There are a few other interesting projects out there, but the source code has not been released for them. One issue that is a common denominator for many of these projects is that they are often coded specifically to a particular bike collective, sometimes with the database tied into the code, for one such project, it is tied into an expensive proprietary database. In the true spirit of FLOSS, I have spent significant time improving YBDB so that it is configurable and extensible for the needs of many collectives. That is the software Positive Spin has been using for the last two years; it has really helped automate several tasks. If tracking is the only functionality required, FreeHub is a popular choice.
On 07/06/2016 06:25 PM, Alix Aylen wrote:
I'm curious about what Volunteer and Drop-In Hours software shops/co-ops are using to keep track of volunteer and drop-in participant hours. Charlie's Freewheels in Toronto is looking for something that we can use on a tablet in the shop for volunteers, Earn-a-bike and drop-in hours participants to all check in to so that we can more efficiently keep track of time spent volunteering or working on personal projects.
Thanks for any information!
-- *Alix Aylen* Program Coordinator 242.5 Queen Street E. M5A 1S3 Toronto, Ontario t. 416.546.2200 www.charliesfreewheels.ca
Charlie's FreeWheels *Inspiring a spirit of exploration in youth*
Sign up for our newsletter http://charliesfreewheels.us3.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=796baa6919ab0f3b6ac6aefc7&id=ed785a2666 Get more young people on bikes! Click the gear to donate to Charlies' FreeWheels https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=NTHJ4GHEZXKVQ . [image: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=NTHJ4GHEZXKVQ] https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=NTHJ4GHEZXKVQ
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We are testing a loyalty rewards app to track and provide info.
It's ok for what it is. 350$ a year for android and iOS. earnabikecoop
Tel. 210 441 9980
On Jul 8, 2016, at 11:53 AM, momoko saunders analyst@bikefarm.org wrote:
I made a sign in app for bike collectives.
app store link
it's iOS, (ipad/iphone :( I'm looking for feed back on it! If you want to chat about how to set it up and what features it offers, just message me and we can talk.
Also, any android developers want to take it on? Or a web developer to make a back end!!? I'll be at bikeBike in Detroit if anyone wants to get together and hack this.
Or does anyone want to help me with design or getting this app out there/known about and crafting it to be useful!?
On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 3:47 PM, Jonathan Rosenbaum gnuser@gmail.com wrote: Hi Alix,
You can study,
https://www.bikecollectives.org/wiki/index.php?title=Software http://bikebike.wvcompletestreets.org/
There are a few other interesting projects out there, but the source code has not been released for them. One issue that is a common denominator for many of these projects is that they are often coded specifically to a particular bike collective, sometimes with the database tied into the code, for one such project, it is tied into an expensive proprietary database. In the true spirit of FLOSS, I have spent significant time improving YBDB so that it is configurable and extensible for the needs of many collectives. That is the software Positive Spin has been using for the last two years; it has really helped automate several tasks. If tracking is the only functionality required, FreeHub is a popular choice.
On 07/06/2016 06:25 PM, Alix Aylen wrote: Hey!
I'm curious about what Volunteer and Drop-In Hours software shops/co-ops are using to keep track of volunteer and drop-in participant hours. Charlie's Freewheels in Toronto is looking for something that we can use on a tablet in the shop for volunteers, Earn-a-bike and drop-in hours participants to all check in to so that we can more efficiently keep track of time spent volunteering or working on personal projects.
Thanks for any information!
-- Alix Aylen Program Coordinator 242.5 Queen Street E. M5A 1S3 Toronto, Ontario t. 416.546.2200 www.charliesfreewheels.ca
Charlie's FreeWheels Inspiring a spirit of exploration in youth
Sign up for our newsletter Get more young people on bikes! Click the gear to donate to Charlies' FreeWheels.
The ThinkTank mailing List <a href="http://lists.bikecollectives.org/options.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org">Unsubscribe from this list</a>
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Requires iOS 8.1 or so, therefore I cannot try it at this time ... And my device is up to date at 7.1 or so...
Haven't a clue what this gadget thought I typed, so TIA for understanding anyways...
> On Jul 9, 2016, at 7:58, "Cristian Sandoval (Earn-A-Bike Coop)" <cristian@earnabikecoop.org> wrote:
> We are testing a loyalty rewards app to track and provide info.
> It's ok for what it is. 350$ a year for android and iOS. earnabikecoop
> Cristian
> Tel. 210 441 9980
>> On Jul 8, 2016, at 11:53 AM, momoko saunders <analyst@bikefarm.org> wrote:
>> I made a sign in app for bike collectives.
>> https://www.bikecollectives.org/wiki/index.php?title=Sign_In_App
>> app store link
>> it's iOS, (ipad/iphone :(
>> I'm looking for feed back on it! If you want to chat about how to set it up and what features it offers, just message me and we can talk.
>> Also, any android developers want to take it on? Or a web developer to make a back end!!?
>> I'll be at bikeBike in Detroit if anyone wants to get together and hack this.
>> Or does anyone want to help me with design or getting this app out there/known about and crafting it to be useful!?
>>> On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 3:47 PM, Jonathan Rosenbaum <gnuser@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Alix,
>>> You can study,
>>> https://www.bikecollectives.org/wiki/index.php?title=Software
>>> http://bikebike.wvcompletestreets.org/
>>> There are a few other interesting projects out there, but the source code has not been released for them. One issue that is a common denominator for many of these projects is that they are often coded specifically to a particular bike collective, sometimes with the database tied into the code, for one such project, it is tied into an expensive proprietary database. In the true spirit of FLOSS, I have spent significant time improving YBDB so that it is configurable and extensible for the needs of many collectives. That is the software Positive Spin has been using for the last two years; it has really helped automate several tasks. If tracking is the only functionality required, FreeHub is a popular choice.
>>> -Jonathan
>>>> On 07/06/2016 06:25 PM, Alix Aylen wrote:
>>>> Hey!
>>>> I'm curious about what Volunteer and Drop-In Hours software shops/co-ops are using to keep track of volunteer and drop-in participant hours. Charlie's Freewheels in Toronto is looking for something that we can use on a tablet in the shop for volunteers, Earn-a-bike and drop-in hours participants to all check in to so that we can more efficiently keep track of time spent volunteering or working on personal projects.
>>>> Thanks for any information!
>>>> --
>>>> Alix Aylen
>>>> Program Coordinator
>>>> 242.5 Queen Street E. M5A 1S3 Toronto, Ontario
>>>> t. 416.546.2200
>>>> www.charliesfreewheels.ca
>>>> Charlie's FreeWheels
>>>> Inspiring a spirit of exploration in youth
>>>> Sign up for our newsletter
>>>> Get more young people on bikes! Click the gear to donate to Charlies' FreeWheels.
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participants (7)
Ainsley Naylor
Alix Aylen
Cristian Sandoval (Earn-A-Bike Coop)
Jonathan Rosenbaum
Kieran O'Neill
momoko saunders