Hey Y'all,
As you may be aware, one of the overriding characteristics of Plan B, The New Orleans Community Bike Project is our belief and constant practice of "practical radicalism". We believe that one of the most efficient and practicable ways to espouse culture shift is by performing outreach and enacting mutual social aid. We've learned this in a concise manner during our history.
We made the original call for Bike!Bike! in 2004, a tradition that has progressed into an enormous gathering that crosses borders and causes global impact. We're proud to host Bike!Bike! X, the tenth gathering and conference and hope to introduce new traditions by expanding programming and offering more than ever before.
The Chainbreaker book, written by Shelley Jackson and Ethan Clark is another one of Plan B's babies and it's publishing was a definite push for DIY culture.
Due to the generosity of Working Bikes in Chicago, we have a regular supply of raw materials and used bikes that we use to teach classes and further our outreach. We have shared the bikes with new community bike projects in Mississippi and Alabama and are eager to distribute more regionally. We also use the sale of bikes to fund the space and special projects like our recent trip to present at 5^th Annual National Urban Cycling Congress in Oaxaca, Mexico. We co-presented with representatives from several other community bike initiatives from across the US in an attempt to espouse more like-minded initiatives as a force of economic and social justice throughout all of the Americas. Our presentation garnered a lot of interest and we are working with several new initiatives throughout Mexico in a support and advisory role. We know that outreach is working and we expect a strong presence of Mexican allies at Bike!Bike! X.
One of the more exciting things that happened at Bike!Bike! 2012 was that race was /finally/a real topic. Contributing factors were a combination of workshops and the presence of more people of color at Bike!Bike! than ever before. The Ovarian Psychos ( http://ovarianpsycos.com/about/ ) were an impressive presence at the gathering and for the first time ever, an organized group by and for women with a strong base of people of color unified many within our group. These sisters don't mess around and they are now committed to launching their own community bike space. Plan B Ladies, Trans and Sissies night ( http://bikeproject.org/programs/ladies-trans-queer ) has committed to help them accomplish this[ and ]that's why we're asking for your support.
Our latest initiative is a little different and for the first time ever, we're crowd-sourcing the funding. Our Ladies, Trans, and Sissies night coordinators, Tracey and Alisha, are going from LA to L.A. to support the OP's and bring them resources and materials. The reason I'm sending this out to the ThinkTank and distributing this appeal far and wide (and hoping you all do the same) is that I think for many of us this is an excellent opportunity to contribute to a cause that is greater than any of us and something that's always been prevalent in our discussions of social equity within our milieu. Specifically, the topic is gender and gender oppression, and no matter how much we discuss it at a conference or try to resolve it, the bluntest truth is that the core of the hard work in achieving gender equity is done by women, for women and while males can certainly be allies and supporters, the best situation is to allow women to be self-determined and invest in their own communities devoid of patriarchy and male voices.
Won't you join us in supporting gender equity and social justice within the realm of community bike projects? Even if it's $5, anything helps for this important work to be done. The goal of $1000 is on the low side. We'd love to be able to support them fiscally and provide several tools and plant the seeds for this very important space to flourish and cause real change.
Here's the link to the indiegogo page where you can read more about it.
I'll be happy to answer any questions in this thread. Please support if you can and help spread the word.
Can't wait to see you all in October, 2013!
All the best,

On Dec 17, 2012 6:04 PM, "Plan B" nolabikeproject@gmail.com wrote:
Hey Y'all,
As you may be aware, one of the overriding characteristics of Plan B, The New Orleans Community Bike Project is our belief and constant practice of “practical radicalism”. We believe that one of the most efficient and practicable ways to espouse culture shift is by performing outreach and enacting mutual social aid. We've learned this in a concise manner during our history.
We made the original call for Bike!Bike! in 2004, a tradition that has progressed into an enormous gathering that crosses borders and causes global impact. We're proud to host Bike!Bike! X, the tenth gathering and conference and hope to introduce new traditions by expanding programming and offering more than ever before.
The Chainbreaker book, written by Shelley Jackson and Ethan Clark is another one of Plan B's babies and it's publishing was a definite push for DIY culture.
Due to the generosity of Working Bikes in Chicago, we have a regular supply of raw materials and used bikes that we use to teach classes and further our outreach. We have shared the bikes with new community bike projects in Mississippi and Alabama and are eager to distribute more regionally. We also use the sale of bikes to fund the space and special projects like our recent trip to present at 5th Annual National Urban Cycling Congress in Oaxaca, Mexico. We co-presented with representatives from several other community bike initiatives from across the US in an attempt to espouse more like-minded initiatives as a force of economic and social justice throughout all of the Americas. Our presentation garnered a lot of interest and we are working with several new initiatives throughout Mexico in a support and advisory role. We know that outreach is working and we expect a strong presence of Mexican allies at Bike!Bike! X.
One of the more exciting things that happened at Bike!Bike! 2012 was that race was *finally* a real topic. Contributing factors were a combination of workshops and the presence of more people of color at Bike!Bike! than ever before. The Ovarian Psychos ( http://ovarianpsycos.com/about/ ) were an impressive presence at the gathering and for the first time ever, an organized group by and for women with a strong base of people of color unified many within our group. These sisters don't mess around and they are now committed to launching their own community bike space. Plan B Ladies, Trans and Sissies night ( http://bikeproject.org/programs/ladies-trans-queer ) has committed to help them accomplish this[ and ]that's why we're asking for your support.
Our latest initiative is a little different and for the first time ever, we're crowd-sourcing the funding. Our Ladies, Trans, and Sissies night coordinators, Tracey and Alisha, are going from LA to L.A. to support the OP's and bring them resources and materials. The reason I'm sending this out to the ThinkTank and distributing this appeal far and wide (and hoping you all do the same) is that I think for many of us this is an excellent opportunity to contribute to a cause that is greater than any of us and something that's always been prevalent in our discussions of social equity within our milieu. Specifically, the topic is gender and gender oppression, and no matter how much we discuss it at a conference or try to resolve it, the bluntest truth is that the core of the hard work in achieving gender equity is done by women, for women and while males can certainly be allies and supporters, the best situation is to allow women to be self-determined and invest in their own communities devoid of patriarchy and male voices.
Won't you join us in supporting gender equity and social justice within the realm of community bike projects? Even if it's $5, anything helps for this important work to be done. The goal of $1000 is on the low side. We'd love to be able to support them fiscally and provide several tools and plant the seeds for this very important space to flourish and cause real change.
Here's the link to the indiegogo page where you can read more about it.
I'll be happy to answer any questions in this thread. Please support if you can and help spread the word.
Can't wait to see you all in October, 2013!
All the best,
-- Victor Pizarro Project Organizer Plan B, The New Orleans Community Bike Project
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org To manage your subscription, plase visit:

looks like this got funded, albeit barely?
congratulations! are there stops along the way that are known yet/available for public consumption, for folks who may live along the route?
On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 6:40 PM, mustafaa ali ali.mustafaa@gmail.com wrote:
On Dec 17, 2012 6:04 PM, "Plan B" nolabikeproject@gmail.com wrote:
Hey Y'all,
As you may be aware, one of the overriding characteristics of Plan B, The New Orleans Community Bike Project is our belief and constant practice of “practical radicalism”. We believe that one of the most efficient and practicable ways to espouse culture shift is by performing outreach and enacting mutual social aid. We've learned this in a concise manner during our history.
We made the original call for Bike!Bike! in 2004, a tradition that has progressed into an enormous gathering that crosses borders and causes global impact. We're proud to host Bike!Bike! X, the tenth gathering and conference and hope to introduce new traditions by expanding programming and offering more than ever before.
The Chainbreaker book, written by Shelley Jackson and Ethan Clark is another one of Plan B's babies and it's publishing was a definite push for DIY culture.
Due to the generosity of Working Bikes in Chicago, we have a regular supply of raw materials and used bikes that we use to teach classes and further our outreach. We have shared the bikes with new community bike projects in Mississippi and Alabama and are eager to distribute more regionally. We also use the sale of bikes to fund the space and special projects like our recent trip to present at 5th Annual National Urban Cycling Congress in Oaxaca, Mexico. We co-presented with representatives from several other community bike initiatives from across the US in an attempt to espouse more like-minded initiatives as a force of economic and social justice throughout all of the Americas. Our presentation garnered a lot of interest and we are working with several new initiatives throughout Mexico in a support and advisory role. We know that outreach is working and we expect a strong presence of Mexican allies at Bike!Bike! X.
One of the more exciting things that happened at Bike!Bike! 2012 was that race was *finally* a real topic. Contributing factors were a combination of workshops and the presence of more people of color at Bike!Bike! than ever before. The Ovarian Psychos ( http://ovarianpsycos.com/about/ ) were an impressive presence at the gathering and for the first time ever, an organized group by and for women with a strong base of people of color unified many within our group. These sisters don't mess around and they are now committed to launching their own community bike space. Plan B Ladies, Trans and Sissies night ( http://bikeproject.org/programs/ladies-trans-queer ) has committed to help them accomplish this[ and ]that's why we're asking for your support.
Our latest initiative is a little different and for the first time ever, we're crowd-sourcing the funding. Our Ladies, Trans, and Sissies night coordinators, Tracey and Alisha, are going from LA to L.A. to support the OP's and bring them resources and materials. The reason I'm sending this out to the ThinkTank and distributing this appeal far and wide (and hoping you all do the same) is that I think for many of us this is an excellent opportunity to contribute to a cause that is greater than any of us and something that's always been prevalent in our discussions of social equity within our milieu. Specifically, the topic is gender and gender oppression, and no matter how much we discuss it at a conference or try to resolve it, the bluntest truth is that the core of the hard work in achieving gender equity is done by women, for women and while males can certainly be allies and supporters, the best situation is to allow women to be self-determined and invest in their own communities devoid of patriarchy and male voices.
Won't you join us in supporting gender equity and social justice within the realm of community bike projects? Even if it's $5, anything helps for this important work to be done. The goal of $1000 is on the low side. We'd love to be able to support them fiscally and provide several tools and plant the seeds for this very important space to flourish and cause real change.
Here's the link to the indiegogo page where you can read more about it.
I'll be happy to answer any questions in this thread. Please support if you can and help spread the word.
Can't wait to see you all in October, 2013!
All the best,
-- Victor Pizarro Project Organizer Plan B, The New Orleans Community Bike Project
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org To manage your subscription, plase visit:
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org To manage your subscription, plase visit:

Victor and all,
I can not help but respond to this. Some of you will see my response as negative, others as offensive, and a very few, as honest, authentic, and right on.
I'd like to try to soften all and any reactions for what is worth by sharing that I have spent fourteen years in offices, assemblies, workshops, courts, and other places, as a mediator listening (in many venues) to people "explain" themselves and their reason for their behaviors.
I for one am tired of the labels minority, protected class, gender oppressed and a host of others that I am not going to waste yours, mine or anyone else's time listing.
In today's world, where more is spent on defense than on homelessness, and even more is spent on political campaigns than on those who don't have food to eat, one doesn't have to look far to see the worlds priorities are somewhat misaligned.
That said, I would no more supports an advocacy group that would call itself "The Ovarian Psychos" or "Plan B Ladies, Trans and Sissies". Those very names are offensive to me, let alone millions (I'd bet) that are theoretically described by those names or labels as they would be properly called.
Perhaps the one label I wear proudly is that of cyclist. I ride with many, of all genders, races, cultures, and sexual preferences, as well as life style choices. Really, I could give a rats ass in you know where what anyone's choices are with regards to those labels. I care only that they like me, enjoy a ride, and off we go. This attitude has brought me new experiences, new friends, and best of all, new knowledge. Knowledge that reinforces my stance here.
If we are to label one another in terms of gender preference, sexual preference or racial character, then we acknowledge that we have a bias...to that label or we would not accept it. If we do that, then we fan the fires of bias and conversely indicate our prejudice. If you are one, than you are the other, and then you become part of the problem, not part of the solution.
I do not thing this matter belongs as a subset of cycling. Perhaps blended populations should be. Perhaps world peace should be. Perhaps feeding the world population should be. Perhaps exposing one or another group that seem underrepresented in cycling should be, but it should not be the other way around as you are advocating for.
Cycling is for just about everyone, and at some point in time, if we can create the accessibility that we need to be focused on, if we can create the motivational messages that we should be focused on, if we can create the understanding that we should be focused on, then one day is might be everyone, rather than just about everyone.
I can support or ask anyone to advocate or support what you are suggesting here, nor do I thing the subject line is fitting. This is not supportive of women, its supportive of a very unique and niche group of women, whom do not and should not enjoy the support of the majority of women. By adopting the label, name if you will they have, they demean the larger population of females in the world.
Again, this is my thoughts based on a life time of promoting understanding and communication between all people of the planet and just hopefully, beyond.
Happy New Year Everyone.
Matt Fenichel
-----Original Message----- From: mustafaa ali ali.mustafaa@gmail.com To: The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Sent: Thu, Jan 3, 2013 6:40 pm Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Support women.
On Dec 17, 2012 6:04 PM, "Plan B" nolabikeproject@gmail.com wrote:
Hey Y'all,
As you may be aware, one of the overriding characteristics of Plan B, The New Orleans Community Bike Project is our belief and constant practice of “practical radicalism”. We believe that one of the most efficient and practicable ways to espouse culture shift is by performing outreach and enacting mutual social aid. We've learned this in a concise manner during our history.
We made the original call for Bike!Bike! in 2004, a tradition that has progressed into an enormous gathering that crosses borders and causes global impact. We're proud to host Bike!Bike! X, the tenth gathering and conference and hope to introduce new traditions by expanding programming and offering more than ever before.
The Chainbreaker book, written by Shelley Jackson and Ethan Clark is another one of Plan B's babies and it's publishing was a definite push for DIY culture.
Due to the generosity of Working Bikes in Chicago, we have a regular supply of raw materials and used bikes that we use to teach classes and further our outreach. We have shared the bikes with new community bike projects in Mississippi and Alabama and are eager to distribute more regionally. We also use the sale of bikes to fund the space and special projects like our recent trip to present at 5th Annual National Urban Cycling Congress in Oaxaca, Mexico. We co-presented with representatives from several other community bike initiatives from across the US in an attempt to espouse more like-minded initiatives as a force of economic and social justice throughout all of the Americas. Our presentation garnered a lot of interest and we are working with several new initiatives throughout Mexico in a support and advisory role. We know that outreach is working and we expect a strong presence of Mexican allies at Bike!Bike! X.
One of the more exciting things that happened at Bike!Bike! 2012 was that race was finally a real topic. Contributing factors were a combination of workshops and the presence of more people of color at Bike!Bike! than ever before. The Ovarian Psychos ( http://ovarianpsycos.com/about/ ) were an impressive presence at the gathering and for the first time ever, an organized group by and for women with a strong base of people of color unified many within our group. These sisters don't mess around and they are now committed to launching their own community bike space. Plan B Ladies, Trans and Sissies night ( http://bikeproject.org/programs/ladies-trans-queer ) has committed to help them accomplish this[ and ]that's why we're asking for your support.
Our latest initiative is a little different and for the first time ever, we're crowd-sourcing the funding. Our Ladies, Trans, and Sissies night coordinators, Tracey and Alisha, are going from LA to L.A. to support the OP's and bring them resources and materials. The reason I'm sending this out to the ThinkTank and distributing this appeal far and wide (and hoping you all do the same) is that I think for many of us this is an excellent opportunity to contribute to a cause that is greater than any of us and something that's always been prevalent in our discussions of social equity within our milieu. Specifically, the topic is gender and gender oppression, and no matter how much we discuss it at a conference or try to resolve it, the bluntest truth is that the core of the hard work in achieving gender equity is done by women, for women and while males can certainly be allies and supporters, the best situation is to allow women to be self-determined and invest in their own communities devoid of patriarchy and male voices.
Won't you join us in supporting gender equity and social justice within the realm of community bike projects? Even if it's $5, anything helps for this important work to be done. The goal of $1000 is on the low side. We'd love to be able to support them fiscally and provide several tools and plant the seeds for this very important space to flourish and cause real change.
Here's the link to the indiegogo page where you can read more about it.
I'll be happy to answer any questions in this thread. Please support if you can and help spread the word.
Can't wait to see you all in October, 2013!
All the best,

It would be awesome to not have to label or distinguish groups of races, classes and genders. But the truth is that this country and culture has brought upon oppression and struggle for those groups that don't need to be identified with names.
On Thursday, January 3, 2013, wrote:
Victor and all,
I can not help but respond to this. Some of you will see my response as negative, others as offensive, and a very few, as honest, authentic, and right on.
I'd like to try to soften all and any reactions for what is worth by sharing that I have spent fourteen years in offices, assemblies, workshops, courts, and other places, as a mediator listening (in many venues) to people "explain" themselves and their reason for their behaviors.
I for one am tired of the labels minority, protected class, gender oppressed and a host of others that I am not going to waste yours, mine or anyone else's time listing.
In today's world, where more is spent on defense than on homelessness, and even more is spent on political campaigns than on those who don't have food to eat, one doesn't have to look far to see the worlds priorities are somewhat misaligned.
That said, I would no more supports an advocacy group that would call itself "The Ovarian Psychos" or "Plan B Ladies, Trans and Sissies". Those very names are offensive to me, let alone millions (I'd bet) that are theoretically described by those names or labels as they would be properly called.
Perhaps the one label I wear proudly is that of cyclist. I ride with many, of all genders, races, cultures, and sexual preferences, as well as life style choices. Really, I could give a rats ass in you know where what anyone's choices are with regards to those labels. I care only that they like me, enjoy a ride, and off we go. This attitude has brought me new experiences, new friends, and best of all, new knowledge. Knowledge that reinforces my stance here.
If we are to label one another in terms of gender preference, sexual preference or racial character, then we acknowledge that we have a bias...to that label or we would not accept it. If we do that, then we fan the fires of bias and conversely indicate our prejudice. If you are one, than you are the other, and then you become part of the problem, not part of the solution.
I do not thing this matter belongs as a subset of cycling. Perhaps blended populations should be. Perhaps world peace should be. Perhaps feeding the world population should be. Perhaps exposing one or another group that seem underrepresented in cycling should be, but it should not be the other way around as you are advocating for.
Cycling is for just about everyone, and at some point in time, if we can create the accessibility that we need to be focused on, if we can create the motivational messages that we should be focused on, if we can create the understanding that we should be focused on, then one day is might be everyone, rather than just about everyone.
I can support or ask anyone to advocate or support what you are suggesting here, nor do I thing the subject line is fitting. This is not supportive of women, its supportive of a very unique and niche group of women, whom do not and should not enjoy the support of the majority of women. By adopting the label, name if you will they have, they demean the larger population of females in the world.
Again, this is my thoughts based on a life time of promoting understanding and communication between all people of the planet and just hopefully, beyond.
Happy New Year Everyone.
Matt Fenichel
-----Original Message----- From: mustafaa ali ali.mustafaa@gmail.com To: The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Sent: Thu, Jan 3, 2013 6:40 pm Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Support women.
On Dec 17, 2012 6:04 PM, "Plan B" nolabikeproject@gmail.com wrote:
Hey Y'all, As you may be aware, one of the overriding characteristics of Plan B, The New Orleans Community Bike Project is our belief and constant practice of “practical radicalism”. We believe that one of the most efficient and practicable ways to espouse culture shift is by performing outreach and enacting mutual social aid. We've learned this in a concise manner during our history. We made the original call for Bike!Bike! in 2004, a tradition that has progressed into an enormous gathering that crosses borders and causes global impact. We're proud to host Bike!Bike! X, the tenth gathering and conference and hope to introduce new traditions by expanding programming and offering more than ever before. The Chainbreaker book, written by Shelley Jackson and Ethan Clark is another one of Plan B's babies and it's publishing was a definite push for DIY culture. Due to the generosity of Working Bikes in Chicago, we have a regular supply of raw materials and used bikes that we use to teach classes and further our outreach. We have shared the bikes with new community bike projects in Mississippi and Alabama and are eager to distribute more regionally. We also use the sale of bikes to fund the space and special projects like our recent trip to present at 5th Annual National Urban Cycling Congress in Oaxaca, Mexico. We co-presented with representatives from several other community bike initiatives from across the US in an attempt to espouse more like-minded initiatives as a force of economic and social justice throughout all of the Americas. Our presentation garnered a lot of interest and we are working with several new initiatives throughout Mexico in a support and advisory role. We know that outreach is working and we expect a strong presence of Mexican allies at Bike!Bike! X. One of the more exciting things that happened at Bike!Bike! 2012 was that race was *finally* a real topic. Contributing factors were a combination of workshops and the presence of more people of color at Bike!Bike! than ever before. The Ovarian Psychos ( http://ovarianpsycos.com/about/ ) were an impressive presence at the gathering and for the first time ever, an organized group by and for women with a strong base of people of color unified many within our group. These sisters don't mess around and they are now committed to launching their own community bike space. Plan B Ladies, Trans and Sissies night ( http://bikeproject.org/programs/ladies-trans-queer ) has committed to help them accomplish this[ and ]that's why we're asking for your support. Our latest initiative is a little different and for the first time ever, we're crowd-sourcing the funding. Our Ladies, Trans, and Sissies night coordinators, Tracey and Alisha, are going from LA to L.A. to support the OP's and bring them resources and materials. The reason I'm sending this out to the ThinkTank and distributing this appeal far and wide (and hoping you all do the same) is that I think for many of us this is an excellent opportunity to contribute to a cause that is greater than any of

What Froilan said.
You don't get past racial / sexual / gender differences by pretending they don't exist, and trying to paste over them with a bigger label, be it "American" or "cyclist", that can (and has) then be co-opted by the traditional majorities.
Matt may find the labels and workshops and discussions tiresome, but there are a lot more of them that need to happen, so that we can all be comfortable with each other, and they're going to happen, until EVERYONE feels comfortable and proud of whatever they happen to be, rather than keeping mum and trying to conform to the traditional majoritarian behaviors.
On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Froilan Eliseo Landeros < froilanderos@gmail.com> wrote:
It would be awesome to not have to label or distinguish groups of races, classes and genders. But the truth is that this country and culture has brought upon oppression and struggle for those groups that don't need to be identified with names.
On Thursday, January 3, 2013, wrote:
Victor and all,
I can not help but respond to this. Some of you will see my response as negative, others as offensive, and a very few, as honest, authentic, and right on.
I'd like to try to soften all and any reactions for what is worth by sharing that I have spent fourteen years in offices, assemblies, workshops, courts, and other places, as a mediator listening (in many venues) to people "explain" themselves and their reason for their behaviors.
I for one am tired of the labels minority, protected class, gender oppressed and a host of others that I am not going to waste yours, mine or anyone else's time listing.
In today's world, where more is spent on defense than on homelessness, and even more is spent on political campaigns than on those who don't have food to eat, one doesn't have to look far to see the worlds priorities are somewhat misaligned.
That said, I would no more supports an advocacy group that would call itself "The Ovarian Psychos" or "Plan B Ladies, Trans and Sissies". Those very names are offensive to me, let alone millions (I'd bet) that are theoretically described by those names or labels as they would be properly called.
Perhaps the one label I wear proudly is that of cyclist. I ride with many, of all genders, races, cultures, and sexual preferences, as well as life style choices. Really, I could give a rats ass in you know where what anyone's choices are with regards to those labels. I care only that they like me, enjoy a ride, and off we go. This attitude has brought me new experiences, new friends, and best of all, new knowledge. Knowledge that reinforces my stance here.
If we are to label one another in terms of gender preference, sexual preference or racial character, then we acknowledge that we have a bias...to that label or we would not accept it. If we do that, then we fan the fires of bias and conversely indicate our prejudice. If you are one, than you are the other, and then you become part of the problem, not part of the solution.
I do not thing this matter belongs as a subset of cycling. Perhaps blended populations should be. Perhaps world peace should be. Perhaps feeding the world population should be. Perhaps exposing one or another group that seem underrepresented in cycling should be, but it should not be the other way around as you are advocating for.
Cycling is for just about everyone, and at some point in time, if we can create the accessibility that we need to be focused on, if we can create the motivational messages that we should be focused on, if we can create the understanding that we should be focused on, then one day is might be everyone, rather than just about everyone.
I can support or ask anyone to advocate or support what you are suggesting here, nor do I thing the subject line is fitting. This is not supportive of women, its supportive of a very unique and niche group of women, whom do not and should not enjoy the support of the majority of women. By adopting the label, name if you will they have, they demean the larger population of females in the world.
Again, this is my thoughts based on a life time of promoting understanding and communication between all people of the planet and just hopefully, beyond.
Happy New Year Everyone.
Matt Fenichel
-----Original Message----- From: mustafaa ali ali.mustafaa@gmail.com To: The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Sent: Thu, Jan 3, 2013 6:40 pm Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Support women.
On Dec 17, 2012 6:04 PM, "Plan B" nolabikeproject@gmail.com wrote:
Hey Y'all, As you may be aware, one of the overriding characteristics of Plan B, The New Orleans Community Bike Project is our belief and constant practice of “practical radicalism”. We believe that one of the most efficient and practicable ways to espouse culture shift is by performing outreach and enacting mutual social aid. We've learned this in a concise manner during our history. We made the original call for Bike!Bike! in 2004, a tradition that has progressed into an enormous gathering that crosses borders and causes global impact. We're proud to host Bike!Bike! X, the tenth gathering and conference and hope to introduce new traditions by expanding programming and offering more than ever before. The Chainbreaker book, written by Shelley Jackson and Ethan Clark is another one of Plan B's babies and it's publishing was a definite push for DIY culture. Due to the generosity of Working Bikes in Chicago, we have a regular supply of raw materials and used bikes that we use to teach classes and further our outreach. We have shared the bikes with new community bike projects in Mississippi and Alabama and are eager to distribute more regionally. We also use the sale of bikes to fund the space and special projects like our recent trip to present at 5th Annual National Urban Cycling Congress in Oaxaca, Mexico. We co-presented with representatives from several other community bike initiatives from across the US in an attempt to espouse more like-minded initiatives as a force of economic and social justice throughout all of the Americas. Our presentation garnered a lot of interest and we are working with several new initiatives throughout Mexico in a support and advisory role. We know that outreach is working and we expect a strong presence of Mexican allies at Bike!Bike! X. One of the more exciting things that happened at Bike!Bike! 2012 was that race was *finally* a real topic. Contributing factors were a combination of workshops and the presence of more people of color at Bike!Bike! than ever before. The Ovarian Psychos ( http://ovarianpsycos.com/about/ ) were an impressive presence at the gathering and for the first time ever, an organized group by and for women with a strong base of people of color unified many within our group. These sisters don't mess around and they are now committed to launching their own community bike space. Plan B Ladies, Trans and Sissies night ( http://bikeproject.org/programs/ladies-trans-queer ) has committed to help them accomplish this[ and ]that's why we're asking for your support. Our latest initiative is a little different and for the first time ever, we're crowd-sourcing the funding. Our Ladies, Trans, and Sissies night coordinators, Tracey and Alisha, are going from LA to L.A. to support the OP's and bring them resources and materials. The reason I'm sending this out to the ThinkTank and distributing this appeal far and wide (and hoping you all do the same) is that I think for many of us this is an excellent opportunity to contribute to a cause that is greater than any of
-- froilan eliseo landeros *I like bikes and soon you will, too.*
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org To manage your subscription, plase visit:

As a middle class, straight white male, my gut emotional sentiment to this in the past was usually similar to Matt's, and to some extent it still is. However, I'm (slowly) learning the complexity that comes from our emerging plurality of personal identity. When I take a step back, it's actually one of the best things our society as a whole is managing to accomplish these days, imho.
I understand the concept of a need for leveling devices for subaltern communities, but reading the Plan B synopsis still hits me with questions. Do we really need to build more walls within our cycling communities? Is that what Plan B is even doing, or is that a misunderstanding? How can it be productive to explicitly excluding members of the cycling community? I imagine there are a dozen different directions you could go in answering these, depending on your perspective. I don't feel I personally have the experience/wisdom to come to definitive conclusions myself.
For me it comes down to where the rubber hits the road, so to speak. There many different ways we can use cycling to benefit and strengthen many different communities. We define those communities geographically, socio-economically, and politically, and I see no problem at all, and possibly some unique benefits, to also target our gender communities with our work.
Each community we try to help has it's own characteristics, voice, and discourse. Some may be so under-represented they are difficult to discover, others might have a much stronger voice in their own right, and seem overwhelming. They all deserve our work.
TL;DR: As long as you're using bikes to help people, I don't really care if you don't let me into your meetings :)
-Andy S Broke Spoke, Lexington KY

I'm kind of split on this issue. On the one hand, my shop just got a Trans Night off the ground, much to the chagrin of some of our volunteers. And I started a women's and trans cycling group here in Durham because I feel like the issues I face as a female cyclist just aren't addressed by the mainstream male-dominated cycling culture. That, and sometimes I simply want to ride bikes with other women/trans folk and celebrate that concept.
On the other hand, after years of going to conferences, hearing intense discussion on race, class and gender in my collective, and debating enough politics that my ears bleed, at some point I just want to fix some damn bikes, teach people how, and ride them in cyclocross races till I throw up and am bruised and muddy from the effort.
My current opinion is, there is room for all in this large cycling universe. Let people have their women's collectives and trans and queer fixin' bike nights, and let dudes and ladies ride expensive carbon frames and shred their local rides. All all welcome, and there is room for all types of riding- I don't care if you're a fixie//mtb/commuter/roadie/tri/cross rider (I'm all of these), you ride a bike and that's what counts.
At the end of the day, if you want to donate to Plan B, do. If you don't, don't. I wouldn't get your political gutchies in a bunch over it.
Best, Leslie Durham Bike Co-op
On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 10:42 PM, Andrew Shooner ashooner@gmail.com wrote:
As a middle class, straight white male, my gut emotional sentiment to this in the past was usually similar to Matt's, and to some extent it still is. However, I'm (slowly) learning the complexity that comes from our emerging plurality of personal identity. When I take a step back, it's actually one of the best things our society as a whole is managing to accomplish these days, imho.
I understand the concept of a need for leveling devices for subaltern communities, but reading the Plan B synopsis still hits me with questions. Do we really need to build more walls within our cycling communities? Is that what Plan B is even doing, or is that a misunderstanding? How can it be productive to explicitly excluding members of the cycling community? I imagine there are a dozen different directions you could go in answering these, depending on your perspective. I don't feel I personally have the experience/wisdom to come to definitive conclusions myself.
For me it comes down to where the rubber hits the road, so to speak. There many different ways we can use cycling to benefit and strengthen many different communities. We define those communities geographically, socio-economically, and politically, and I see no problem at all, and possibly some unique benefits, to also target our gender communities with our work.
Each community we try to help has it's own characteristics, voice, and discourse. Some may be so under-represented they are difficult to discover, others might have a much stronger voice in their own right, and seem overwhelming. They all deserve our work.
TL;DR: As long as you're using bikes to help people, I don't really care if you don't let me into your meetings :)
-Andy S Broke Spoke, Lexington KY
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org To manage your subscription, plase visit:

I have to stand strongly with Matt. Naming groups simply increases separation and a sense of "those other people", rather than a sense of "we" or "us". I believe it increases prejudice rather than reducing it.
On Jan 3, 2013, at 8:04 PM, John Brown johnsbrown@gmail.com wrote:
What Froilan said.
You don't get past racial / sexual / gender differences by pretending they don't exist, and trying to paste over them with a bigger label, be it "American" or "cyclist", that can (and has) then be co-opted by the traditional majorities.
Matt may find the labels and workshops and discussions tiresome, but there are a lot more of them that need to happen, so that we can all be comfortable with each other, and they're going to happen, until EVERYONE feels comfortable and proud of whatever they happen to be, rather than keeping mum and trying to conform to the traditional majoritarian behaviors.
On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Froilan Eliseo Landeros froilanderos@gmail.com wrote:
It would be awesome to not have to label or distinguish groups of races, classes and genders. But the truth is that this country and culture has brought upon oppression and struggle for those groups that don't need to be identified with names.
On Thursday, January 3, 2013, wrote:
Victor and all,
I can not help but respond to this. Some of you will see my response as negative, others as offensive, and a very few, as honest, authentic, and right on.
I'd like to try to soften all and any reactions for what is worth by sharing that I have spent fourteen years in offices, assemblies, workshops, courts, and other places, as a mediator listening (in many venues) to people "explain" themselves and their reason for their behaviors.
I for one am tired of the labels minority, protected class, gender oppressed and a host of others that I am not going to waste yours, mine or anyone else's time listing.
In today's world, where more is spent on defense than on homelessness, and even more is spent on political campaigns than on those who don't have food to eat, one doesn't have to look far to see the worlds priorities are somewhat misaligned.
That said, I would no more supports an advocacy group that would call itself "The Ovarian Psychos" or "Plan B Ladies, Trans and Sissies". Those very names are offensive to me, let alone millions (I'd bet) that are theoretically described by those names or labels as they would be properly called.
Perhaps the one label I wear proudly is that of cyclist. I ride with many, of all genders, races, cultures, and sexual preferences, as well as life style choices. Really, I could give a rats ass in you know where what anyone's choices are with regards to those labels. I care only that they like me, enjoy a ride, and off we go. This attitude has brought me new experiences, new friends, and best of all, new knowledge. Knowledge that reinforces my stance here.
If we are to label one another in terms of gender preference, sexual preference or racial character, then we acknowledge that we have a bias...to that label or we would not accept it. If we do that, then we fan the fires of bias and conversely indicate our prejudice. If you are one, than you are the other, and then you become part of the problem, not part of the solution.
I do not thing this matter belongs as a subset of cycling. Perhaps blended populations should be. Perhaps world peace should be. Perhaps feeding the world population should be. Perhaps exposing one or another group that seem underrepresented in cycling should be, but it should not be the other way around as you are advocating for.
Cycling is for just about everyone, and at some point in time, if we can create the accessibility that we need to be focused on, if we can create the motivational messages that we should be focused on, if we can create the understanding that we should be focused on, then one day is might be everyone, rather than just about everyone.
I can support or ask anyone to advocate or support what you are suggesting here, nor do I thing the subject line is fitting. This is not supportive of women, its supportive of a very unique and niche group of women, whom do not and should not enjoy the support of the majority of women. By adopting the label, name if you will they have, they demean the larger population of females in the world.
Again, this is my thoughts based on a life time of promoting understanding and communication between all people of the planet and just hopefully, beyond.
Happy New Year Everyone.
Matt Fenichel
-----Original Message----- From: mustafaa ali ali.mustafaa@gmail.com To: The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Sent: Thu, Jan 3, 2013 6:40 pm Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Support women.
On Dec 17, 2012 6:04 PM, "Plan B" nolabikeproject@gmail.com wrote: Hey Y'all, As you may be aware, one of the overriding characteristics of Plan B, The New Orleans Community Bike Project is our belief and constant practice of “practical radicalism”. We believe that one of the most efficient and practicable ways to espouse culture shift is by performing outreach and enacting mutual social aid. We've learned this in a concise manner during our history. We made the original call for Bike!Bike! in 2004, a tradition that has progressed into an enormous gathering that crosses borders and causes global impact. We're proud to host Bike!Bike! X, the tenth gathering and conference and hope to introduce new traditions by expanding programming and offering more than ever before. The Chainbreaker book, written by Shelley Jackson and Ethan Clark is another one of Plan B's babies and it's publishing was a definite push for DIY culture. Due to the generosity of Working Bikes in Chicago, we have a regular supply of raw materials and used bikes that we use to teach classes and further our outreach. We have shared the bikes with new community bike projects in Mississippi and Alabama and are eager to distribute more regionally. We also use the sale of bikes to fund the space and special projects like our recent trip to present at 5th Annual National Urban Cycling Congress in Oaxaca, Mexico. We co-presented with representatives from several other community bike initiatives from across the US in an attempt to espouse more like-minded initiatives as a force of economic and social justice throughout all of the Americas. Our presentation garnered a lot of interest and we are working with several new initiatives throughout Mexico in a support and advisory role. We know that outreach is working and we expect a strong presence of Mexican allies at Bike!Bike! X. One of the more exciting things that happened at Bike!Bike! 2012 was that race was finally a real topic. Contributing factors were a combination of workshops and the presence of more people of color at Bike!Bike! than ever before. The Ovarian Psychos ( http://ovarianpsycos.com/about/ ) were an impressive presence at the gathering and for the first time ever, an organized group by and for women with a strong base of people of color unified many within our group. These sisters don't mess around and they are now committed to launching their own community bike space. Plan B Ladies, Trans and Sissies night ( http://bikeproject.org/programs/ladies-trans-queer ) has committed to help them accomplish this[ and ]that's why we're asking for your support. Our latest initiative is a little different and for the first time ever, we're crowd-sourcing the funding. Our Ladies, Trans, and Sissies night coordinators, Tracey and Alisha, are going from LA to L.A. to support the OP's and bring them resources and materials. The reason I'm sending this out to the ThinkTank and distributing this appeal far and wide (and hoping you all do the same) is that I think for many of us this is an excellent opportunity to contribute to a cause that is greater than any of
-- froilan eliseo landeros *I like bikes and soon you will, too.*
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org To manage your subscription, plase visit: http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.o...
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org To manage your subscription, plase visit: http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.o...

On Jan 3, 2013, at 7:24 PM, mfen651@aol.com wrote:
Victor and all,
I can not help but respond to this. Some of you will see my response as negative, others as offensive, and a very few, as honest, authentic, and right on.
I'd like to try to soften all and any reactions for what is worth by sharing that I have spent fourteen years in offices, assemblies, workshops, courts, and other places, as a mediator listening (in many venues) to people "explain" themselves and their reason for their behaviors.
I for one am tired of the labels minority, protected class, gender oppressed and a host of others that I am not going to waste yours, mine or anyone else's time listing.
In today's world, where more is spent on defense than on homelessness, and even more is spent on political campaigns than on those who don't have food to eat, one doesn't have to look far to see the worlds priorities are somewhat misaligned.
That said, I would no more supports an advocacy group that would call itself "The Ovarian Psychos" or "Plan B Ladies, Trans and Sissies". Those very names are offensive to me, let alone millions (I'd bet) that are theoretically described by those names or labels as they would be properly called.
Perhaps the one label I wear proudly is that of cyclist. I ride with many, of all genders, races, cultures, and sexual preferences, as well as life style choices. Really, I could give a rats ass in you know where what anyone's choices are with regards to those labels. I care only that they like me, enjoy a ride, and off we go. This attitude has brought me new experiences, new friends, and best of all, new knowledge. Knowledge that reinforces my stance here.
If we are to label one another in terms of gender preference, sexual preference or racial character, then we acknowledge that we have a bias...to that label or we would not accept it. If we do that, then we fan the fires of bias and conversely indicate our prejudice. If you are one, than you are the other, and then you become part of the problem, not part of the solution.
I do not thing this matter belongs as a subset of cycling. Perhaps blended populations should be. Perhaps world peace should be. Perhaps feeding the world population should be. Perhaps exposing one or another group that seem underrepresented in cycling should be, but it should not be the other way around as you are advocating for.
Cycling is for just about everyone, and at some point in time, if we can create the accessibility that we need to be focused on, if we can create the motivational messages that we should be focused on, if we can create the understanding that we should be focused on, then one day is might be everyone, rather than just about everyone.
I can support or ask anyone to advocate or support what you are suggesting here, nor do I thing the subject line is fitting. This is not supportive of women, its supportive of a very unique and niche group of women, whom do not and should not enjoy the support of the majority of women. By adopting the label, name if you will they have, they demean the larger population of females in the world.
Again, this is my thoughts based on a life time of promoting understanding and communication between all people of the planet and just hopefully, beyond.
Happy New Year Everyone.
Matt Fenichel
-----Original Message----- From: mustafaa ali ali.mustafaa@gmail.com To: The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Sent: Thu, Jan 3, 2013 6:40 pm Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Support women.
On Dec 17, 2012 6:04 PM, "Plan B" nolabikeproject@gmail.com wrote:
Hey Y'all, As you may be aware, one of the overriding characteristics of Plan B, The New Orleans Community Bike Project is our belief and constant practice of “practical radicalism”. We believe that one of the most efficient and practicable ways to espouse culture shift is by performing outreach and enacting mutual social aid. We've learned this in a concise manner during our history. We made the original call for Bike!Bike! in 2004, a tradition that has progressed into an enormous gathering that crosses borders and causes global impact. We're proud to host Bike!Bike! X, the tenth gathering and conference and hope to introduce new traditions by expanding programming and offering more than ever before. The Chainbreaker book, written by Shelley Jackson and Ethan Clark is another one of Plan B's babies and it's publishing was a definite push for DIY culture. Due to the generosity of Working Bikes in Chicago, we have a regular supply of raw materials and used bikes that we use to teach classes and further our outreach. We have shared the bikes with new community bike projects in Mississippi and Alabama and are eager to distribute more regionally. We also use the sale of bikes to fund the space and special projects like our recent trip to present at 5th Annual National Urban Cycling Congress in Oaxaca, Mexico. We co-presented with representatives from several other community bike initiatives from across the US in an attempt to espouse more like-minded initiatives as a force of economic and social justice throughout all of the Americas. Our presentation garnered a lot of interest and we are working with several new initiatives throughout Mexico in a support and advisory role. We know that outreach is working and we expect a strong presence of Mexican allies at Bike!Bike! X. One of the more exciting things that happened at Bike!Bike! 2012 was that race was finally a real topic. Contributing factors were a combination of workshops and the presence of more people of color at Bike!Bike! than ever before. The Ovarian Psychos ( http://ovarianpsycos.com/about/ ) were an impressive presence at the gathering and for the first time ever, an organized group by and for women with a strong base of people of color unified many within our group. These sisters don't mess around and they are now committed to launching their own community bike space. Plan B Ladies, Trans and Sissies night ( http://bikeproject.org/programs/ladies-trans-queer ) has committed to help them accomplish this[ and ]that's why we're asking for your support. Our latest initiative is a little different and for the first time ever, we're crowd-sourcing the funding. Our Ladies, Trans, and Sissies night coordinators, Tracey and Alisha, are going from LA to L.A. to support the OP's and bring them resources and materials. The reason I'm sending this out to the ThinkTank and distributing this appeal far and wide (and hoping you all do the same) is that I think for many of us this is an excellent opportunity to contribute to a cause that is greater than any of us and something that's always been prevalent in our discussions of social equity within our milieu. Specifically, the topic is gender and gender oppression, and no matter how much we discuss it at a conference or try to resolve it, the bluntest truth is that the core of the hard work in achieving gender equity is done by women, for women and while males can certainly be allies and supporters, the best situation is to allow women to be self-determined and invest in their own communities devoid of patriarchy and male voices.
Won't you join us in supporting gender equity and social justice within the realm of community bike projects? Even if it's $5, anything helps for this important work to be done. The goal of $1000 is on the low side. We'd love to be able to support them fiscally and provide several tools and plant the seeds for this very important space to flourish and cause real change.
Here's the link to the indiegogo page where you can read more about it.
I'll be happy to answer any questions in this thread. Please support if you can and help spread the word. Can't wait to see you all in October, 2013!
All the best,
-- Victor Pizarro Project Organizer Plan B, The New Orleans Community Bike Project
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org To manage your subscription, plase visit: http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.o...
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org To manage your subscription, plase visit: http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.o... _______________________________________________ Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org To manage your subscription, plase visit: http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.o...

I agree, to me also, it makes more sense to identify as a human being and cyclist first.
In my opinion, identity politics makes non useful distinctions between people… encourages divisiveness. We have a lot more in common with each other as human beings who ride bikes, than the superficial distinctions that may differentiate us such as skin color, whom we partner with, what gender clothes we might prefer to wear…
Just a thought as a bike repairer in a multiethnic neighborhood in Amsterdam.
Wendy Monroe
On 04 Jan 2013, at 01:24, mfen651@aol.com wrote:
Victor and all,
I can not help but respond to this. Some of you will see my response as negative, others as offensive, and a very few, as honest, authentic, and right on.
I'd like to try to soften all and any reactions for what is worth by sharing that I have spent fourteen years in offices, assemblies, workshops, courts, and other places, as a mediator listening (in many venues) to people "explain" themselves and their reason for their behaviors.
I for one am tired of the labels minority, protected class, gender oppressed and a host of others that I am not going to waste yours, mine or anyone else's time listing.
In today's world, where more is spent on defense than on homelessness, and even more is spent on political campaigns than on those who don't have food to eat, one doesn't have to look far to see the worlds priorities are somewhat misaligned.
That said, I would no more supports an advocacy group that would call itself "The Ovarian Psychos" or "Plan B Ladies, Trans and Sissies". Those very names are offensive to me, let alone millions (I'd bet) that are theoretically described by those names or labels as they would be properly called.
Perhaps the one label I wear proudly is that of cyclist. I ride with many, of all genders, races, cultures, and sexual preferences, as well as life style choices. Really, I could give a rats ass in you know where what anyone's choices are with regards to those labels. I care only that they like me, enjoy a ride, and off we go. This attitude has brought me new experiences, new friends, and best of all, new knowledge. Knowledge that reinforces my stance here.
If we are to label one another in terms of gender preference, sexual preference or racial character, then we acknowledge that we have a bias...to that label or we would not accept it. If we do that, then we fan the fires of bias and conversely indicate our prejudice. If you are one, than you are the other, and then you become part of the problem, not part of the solution.
I do not thing this matter belongs as a subset of cycling. Perhaps blended populations should be. Perhaps world peace should be. Perhaps feeding the world population should be. Perhaps exposing one or another group that seem underrepresented in cycling should be, but it should not be the other way around as you are advocating for.
Cycling is for just about everyone, and at some point in time, if we can create the accessibility that we need to be focused on, if we can create the motivational messages that we should be focused on, if we can create the understanding that we should be focused on, then one day is might be everyone, rather than just about everyone.
I can support or ask anyone to advocate or support what you are suggesting here, nor do I thing the subject line is fitting. This is not supportive of women, its supportive of a very unique and niche group of women, whom do not and should not enjoy the support of the majority of women. By adopting the label, name if you will they have, they demean the larger population of females in the world.
Again, this is my thoughts based on a life time of promoting understanding and communication between all people of the planet and just hopefully, beyond.
Happy New Year Everyone.
Matt Fenichel
-----Original Message----- From: mustafaa ali ali.mustafaa@gmail.com To: The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Sent: Thu, Jan 3, 2013 6:40 pm Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Support women.
On Dec 17, 2012 6:04 PM, "Plan B" nolabikeproject@gmail.com wrote: Hey Y'all, As you may be aware, one of the overriding characteristics of Plan B, The New Orleans Community Bike Project is our belief and constant practice of “practical radicalism”. We believe that one of the most efficient and practicable ways to espouse culture shift is by performing outreach and enacting mutual social aid. We've learned this in a concise manner during our history. We made the original call for Bike!Bike! in 2004, a tradition that has progressed into an enormous gathering that crosses borders and causes global impact. We're proud to host Bike!Bike! X, the tenth gathering and conference and hope to introduce new traditions by expanding programming and offering more than ever before. The Chainbreaker book, written by Shelley Jackson and Ethan Clark is another one of Plan B's babies and it's publishing was a definite push for DIY culture. Due to the generosity of Working Bikes in Chicago, we have a regular supply of raw materials and used bikes that we use to teach classes and further our outreach. We have shared the bikes with new community bike projects in Mississippi and Alabama and are eager to distribute more regionally. We also use the sale of bikes to fund the space and special projects like our recent trip to present at 5th Annual National Urban Cycling Congress in Oaxaca, Mexico. We co-presented with representatives from several other community bike initiatives from across the US in an attempt to espouse more like-minded initiatives as a force of economic and social justice throughout all of the Americas. Our presentation garnered a lot of interest and we are working with several new initiatives throughout Mexico in a support and advisory role. We know that outreach is working and we expect a strong presence of Mexican allies at Bike!Bike! X. One of the more exciting things that happened at Bike!Bike! 2012 was that race was finally a real topic. Contributing factors were a combination of workshops and the presence of more people of color at Bike!Bike! than ever before. The Ovarian Psychos ( http://ovarianpsycos.com/about/ ) were an impressive presence at the gathering and for the first time ever, an organized group by and for women with a strong base of people of color unified many within our group. These sisters don't mess around and they are now committed to launching their own community bike space. Plan B Ladies, Trans and Sissies night ( http://bikeproject.org/programs/ladies-trans-queer ) has committed to help them accomplish this[ and ]that's why we're asking for your support. Our latest initiative is a little different and for the first time ever, we're crowd-sourcing the funding. Our Ladies, Trans, and Sissies night coordinators, Tracey and Alisha, are going from LA to L.A. to support the OP's and bring them resources and materials. The reason I'm sending this out to the ThinkTank and distributing this appeal far and wide (and hoping you all do the same) is that I think for many of us this is an excellent opportunity to contribute to a cause that is greater than any of us and something that's always been prevalent in our discussions of social equity within our milieu. Specifically, the topic is gender and gender oppression, and no matter how much we discuss it at a conference or try to resolve it, the bluntest truth is that the core of the hard work in achieving gender equity is done by women, for women and while males can certainly be allies and supporters, the best situation is to allow women to be self-determined and invest in their own communities devoid of patriarchy and male voices.
Won't you join us in supporting gender equity and social justice within the realm of community bike projects? Even if it's $5, anything helps for this important work to be done. The goal of $1000 is on the low side. We'd love to be able to support them fiscally and provide several tools and plant the seeds for this very important space to flourish and cause real change.
Here's the link to the indiegogo page where you can read more about it.
I'll be happy to answer any questions in this thread. Please support if you can and help spread the word. Can't wait to see you all in October, 2013!
All the best,
-- Victor Pizarro Project Organizer Plan B, The New Orleans Community Bike Project
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org To manage your subscription, plase visit: http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.o...
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org To manage your subscription, plase visit: http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.o... _______________________________________________ Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org To manage your subscription, plase visit: http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.o...

Way to go Ovarian Psychos! It's great to hear the good news and I look forward to hearing more about it.
... And I'm totally amazed/blown away that we're still having conversations about the necessity of things like Ladies, Trans and Sissies night. Our lil' shop (in redneck Calgary, Alberta) has seen huge community benefits from similar safe spaces. A few people (white dudes) have complained/not joined/etc over it and fuck'em - feminism's a founding and explicit principle of our initiative and outshines any dude's need to prove some shitty point. There's plenty of resources for doubtful dudes to read through - people have already put the effort into creating them, so it's easy to just have a few zines on hand or invite people to look it up themselves!
Love from Jonny
PS. Can't wait to see Plan B!
On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 12:00 AM, Wendy Monroe wendy.monroe@usermail.com wrote:
I agree, to me also, it makes more sense to identify as a human being and cyclist first.
In my opinion, identity politics makes non useful distinctions between people… encourages divisiveness. We have a lot more in common with each other as human beings who ride bikes, than the superficial distinctions that may differentiate us such as skin color, whom we partner with, what gender clothes we might prefer to wear…
Just a thought as a bike repairer in a multiethnic neighborhood in Amsterdam.
Wendy Monroe
On 04 Jan 2013, at 01:24, mfen651@aol.com wrote:
Victor and all,
I can not help but respond to this. Some of you will see my response as negative, others as offensive, and a very few, as honest, authentic, and right on.
I'd like to try to soften all and any reactions for what is worth by sharing that I have spent fourteen years in offices, assemblies, workshops, courts, and other places, as a mediator listening (in many venues) to people "explain" themselves and their reason for their behaviors.
I for one am tired of the labels minority, protected class, gender oppressed and a host of others that I am not going to waste yours, mine or anyone else's time listing.
In today's world, where more is spent on defense than on homelessness, and even more is spent on political campaigns than on those who don't have food to eat, one doesn't have to look far to see the worlds priorities are somewhat misaligned.
That said, I would no more supports an advocacy group that would call itself "The Ovarian Psychos" or "Plan B Ladies, Trans and Sissies". Those very names are offensive to me, let alone millions (I'd bet) that are theoretically described by those names or labels as they would be properly called.
Perhaps the one label I wear proudly is that of cyclist. I ride with many, of all genders, races, cultures, and sexual preferences, as well as life style choices. Really, I could give a rats ass in you know where what anyone's choices are with regards to those labels. I care only that they like me, enjoy a ride, and off we go. This attitude has brought me new experiences, new friends, and best of all, new knowledge. Knowledge that reinforces my stance here.
If we are to label one another in terms of gender preference, sexual preference or racial character, then we acknowledge that we have a bias...to that label or we would not accept it. If we do that, then we fan the fires of bias and conversely indicate our prejudice. If you are one, than you are the other, and then you become part of the problem, not part of the solution.
I do not thing this matter belongs as a subset of cycling. Perhaps blended populations should be. Perhaps world peace should be. Perhaps feeding the world population should be. Perhaps exposing one or another group that seem underrepresented in cycling should be, but it should not be the other way around as you are advocating for.
Cycling is for just about everyone, and at some point in time, if we can create the accessibility that we need to be focused on, if we can create the motivational messages that we should be focused on, if we can create the understanding that we should be focused on, then one day is might be everyone, rather than just about everyone.
I can support or ask anyone to advocate or support what you are suggesting here, nor do I thing the subject line is fitting. This is not supportive of women, its supportive of a very unique and niche group of women, whom do not and should not enjoy the support of the majority of women. By adopting the label, name if you will they have, they demean the larger population of females in the world.
Again, this is my thoughts based on a life time of promoting understanding and communication between all people of the planet and just hopefully, beyond.
Happy New Year Everyone.
Matt Fenichel
-----Original Message----- From: mustafaa ali ali.mustafaa@gmail.com To: The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Sent: Thu, Jan 3, 2013 6:40 pm Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Support women.
On Dec 17, 2012 6:04 PM, "Plan B" nolabikeproject@gmail.com wrote:
Hey Y'all, As you may be aware, one of the overriding characteristics of Plan B, The New Orleans Community Bike Project is our belief and constant practice of “practical radicalism”. We believe that one of the most efficient and practicable ways to espouse culture shift is by performing outreach and enacting mutual social aid. We've learned this in a concise manner during our history. We made the original call for Bike!Bike! in 2004, a tradition that has progressed into an enormous gathering that crosses borders and causes global impact. We're proud to host Bike!Bike! X, the tenth gathering and conference and hope to introduce new traditions by expanding programming and offering more than ever before. The Chainbreaker book, written by Shelley Jackson and Ethan Clark is another one of Plan B's babies and it's publishing was a definite push for DIY culture. Due to the generosity of Working Bikes in Chicago, we have a regular supply of raw materials and used bikes that we use to teach classes and further our outreach. We have shared the bikes with new community bike projects in Mississippi and Alabama and are eager to distribute more regionally. We also use the sale of bikes to fund the space and special projects like our recent trip to present at 5th Annual National Urban Cycling Congress in Oaxaca, Mexico. We co-presented with representatives from several other community bike initiatives from across the US in an attempt to espouse more like-minded initiatives as a force of economic and social justice throughout all of the Americas. Our presentation garnered a lot of interest and we are working with several new initiatives throughout Mexico in a support and advisory role. We know that outreach is working and we expect a strong presence of Mexican allies at Bike!Bike! X. One of the more exciting things that happened at Bike!Bike! 2012 was that race was finally a real topic. Contributing factors were a combination of workshops and the presence of more people of color at Bike!Bike! than ever before. The Ovarian Psychos ( http://ovarianpsycos.com/about/ ) were an impressive presence at the gathering and for the first time ever, an organized group by and for women with a strong base of people of color unified many within our group. These sisters don't mess around and they are now committed to launching their own community bike space. Plan B Ladies, Trans and Sissies night ( http://bikeproject.org/programs/ladies-trans-queer ) has committed to help them accomplish this[ and ]that's why we're asking for your support. Our latest initiative is a little different and for the first time ever, we're crowd-sourcing the funding. Our Ladies, Trans, and Sissies night coordinators, Tracey and Alisha, are going from LA to L.A. to support the OP's and bring them resources and materials. The reason I'm sending this out to the ThinkTank and distributing this appeal far and wide (and hoping you all do the same) is that I think for many of us this is an excellent opportunity to contribute to a cause that is greater than any of us and something that's always been prevalent in our discussions of social equity within our milieu. Specifically, the topic is gender and gender oppression, and no matter how much we discuss it at a conference or try to resolve it, the bluntest truth is that the core of the hard work in achieving gender equity is done by women, for women and while males can certainly be allies and supporters, the best situation is to allow women to be self-determined and invest in their own communities devoid of patriarchy and male voices.
Won't you join us in supporting gender equity and social justice within the realm of community bike projects? Even if it's $5, anything helps for this important work to be done. The goal of $1000 is on the low side. We'd love to be able to support them fiscally and provide several tools and plant the seeds for this very important space to flourish and cause real change.
Here's the link to the indiegogo page where you can read more about it.
I'll be happy to answer any questions in this thread. Please support if you can and help spread the word. Can't wait to see you all in October, 2013!
All the best,
-- Victor Pizarro Project Organizer Plan B, The New Orleans Community Bike Project
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org To manage your subscription, plase visit:
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org To manage your subscription, plase visit: http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.o...
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org To manage your subscription, plase visit: http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.o...
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org To manage your subscription, plase visit: http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.o...

I'm trying to figure out a 101 to all the naysayers. Any fellow feminist care to simplify it for our friends? Lemme try one last time...
Listen folks, there are communities that identify as several things because THE WORLD at some point decided to be horrible and oppress, hurt and negate their existence. I didn't think I'd have to point out examples but I will:
Ahem...slavery Destruction of indigenous folks Gay folks getting bullied Gay folks not being allowed to do anything Holocaust Women not being allowed to vote People being racially profiled
Please, do yourself a favor (and do me one too because I need you as my ally so we can get over this seemingly neverending struggle) and talk to some folks and try and understand that there are identities because those folks have been abused, raped, killed, mistreated, neglected...you name all the bad stuff...so if you hear words like sissy night, trans night, women's night, queer, POC night, don't be frightened or threatened. It's just us trying to find ways to find ways to be empowered and ways to strongly belong in this world that has mistreated for many years.
And just saying 'well I'm a cyclist, respect me/fund me' isn't gonna cut it. Not EVEN comparable.
Don't take offense...it wasn't our idea to be separate...we've jut decided to embrace it as a weapon or strength so no one can use thy against us anymore.
With love and a little understanding, y'all.
On Friday, January 4, 2013, jonny b wrote:
Way to go Ovarian Psychos! It's great to hear the good news and I look forward to hearing more about it.
... And I'm totally amazed/blown away that we're still having conversations about the necessity of things like Ladies, Trans and Sissies night. Our lil' shop (in redneck Calgary, Alberta) has seen huge community benefits from similar safe spaces. A few people (white dudes) have complained/not joined/etc over it and fuck'em - feminism's a founding and explicit principle of our initiative and outshines any dude's need to prove some shitty point. There's plenty of resources for doubtful dudes to read through - people have already put the effort into creating them, so it's easy to just have a few zines on hand or invite people to look it up themselves!
Love from Jonny
PS. Can't wait to see Plan B!
On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 12:00 AM, Wendy Monroe wendy.monroe@usermail.com wrote:
I agree, to me also, it makes more sense to identify as a human being and cyclist first.
In my opinion, identity politics makes non useful distinctions between people… encourages divisiveness. We have a lot more in common with each other as human beings who ride
than the superficial distinctions that may differentiate us such as skin color, whom we partner with, what gender clothes we might prefer to wear…
Just a thought as a bike repairer in a multiethnic neighborhood in Amsterdam.
Wendy Monroe
On 04 Jan 2013, at 01:24, mfen651@aol.com wrote:
Victor and all,
I can not help but respond to this. Some of you will see my response as negative, others as offensive, and a very few, as honest, authentic, and right on.
I'd like to try to soften all and any reactions for what is worth by
that I have spent fourteen years in offices, assemblies, workshops,
and other places, as a mediator listening (in many venues) to people "explain" themselves and their reason for their behaviors.
I for one am tired of the labels minority, protected class, gender
and a host of others that I am not going to waste yours, mine or anyone else's time listing.
In today's world, where more is spent on defense than on homelessness,
even more is spent on political campaigns than on those who don't have
to eat, one doesn't have to look far to see the worlds priorities are somewhat misaligned.
That said, I would no more supports an advocacy group that would call
"The Ovarian Psychos" or "Plan B Ladies, Trans and Sissies". Those very names are offensive to me, let alone millions (I'd bet) that are theoretically described by those names or labels as they would be
Perhaps the one label I wear proudly is that of cyclist. I ride with
of all genders, races, cultures, and sexual preferences, as well as life style choices. Really, I could give a rats ass in you know where what anyone's choices are with regards to those labels. I care only that they like me, enjoy a ride, and off we go. This attitude has brought me new experiences, new friends, and best of all, new knowledge. Knowledge that reinforces my stance here.
If we are to label one another in terms of gender preference, sexual preference or racial character, then we acknowledge that we have a
that label or we would not accept it. If we do that, then we fan the
of bias and conversely indicate our prejudice. If you are one, than you
the other, and then you become part of the problem, not part of the solution.
I do not thing this matter belongs as a subset of cycling. Perhaps
populations should be. Perhaps world peace should be. Perhaps feeding
world population should be. Perhaps exposing one or another group that
underrepresented in cycling should be, but it should not be the other way around as you are advocating for.
Cycling is for just about everyone, and at some point in time, if we can create the accessibility that we need to be focused on, if we can create
motivational messages that we should be focused on, if we can create the understanding that we should be focused on, then one day is might be everyone, rather than just about everyone.
I can support or ask anyone to advocate or support what you are
here, nor do I thing the subject line is fitting. This is not
supportive of
women, its supportive of a very unique and niche group of women, whom do
and should not enjoy the support of the majority of women. By adopting
label, name if you will they have, they demean the larger population of females in the world.
Again, this is my thoughts based on a life time of promoting
and communication between all people of the planet and just hopefully, beyond.
Happy New Year Everyone.
-- John Barrett The Good Life Community Bicycle Shop / Two Wheel View / The Organic Saskatoon & Iron Orchard jonny@goodlifebikes.ca javascript:; 403.619.2648 _______________________________________________ Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org javascript:; To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org javascript:; To manage your subscription, plase visit:

Excited to see the OPs crankin' it up! The discussion is worthy also, as evidenced by folks of different types and places on both sides of the divide.
One way to look at this is the difference between Equitable and Equal. Equitable analysis treats different people appropriately different. We wouldn't ask a friend with a handcycle to go ride single track. While Equal is a value and aspiration, we all know that people are born, raised and live in different circumstances. Acknowledging these differences and accommodating them allows everyone to rise to their fullest potential.
So, while we might desire to live in a post gender/racial/sectarian/sex preference world, the folks at OP seem to be making very real progress toward their potential by creating a space where they can address their needs. There is no doubt that bicycles (especially in North America) have and are largely the province of males. If male presence/dominance keeps some people from getting involved, let's not ask them to feel unsafe/unwelcome/unappreciated/etc. ...let's give them the support they say they need.
In my experience, Separatism is often a transitional strategy, giving people the time and supportive space to accumulate the skills, knowledge, culture and confidence to relate to the plural community. There is significant research on the success of separate space in education (gals and math achievement, for instance). While I doubt that the need for separate space will go away anytime soon, I'm sure that the folks at OP (and others similarly situated) would be feeling a bunch better if white males (and others) were quick to recognize and support their efforts. We'll all be better off with more people riding/maintaining their own bikes.
Thanks for using bikes to change the world!
Kevin The Bicycle Collective Salt Lake City
On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 3:29 AM, jonny b jonny@goodlifebikes.ca wrote:
Way to go Ovarian Psychos! It's great to hear the good news and I look forward to hearing more about it.
... And I'm totally amazed/blown away that we're still having conversations about the necessity of things like Ladies, Trans and Sissies night. Our lil' shop (in redneck Calgary, Alberta) has seen huge community benefits from similar safe spaces. A few people (white dudes) have complained/not joined/etc over it and fuck'em - feminism's a founding and explicit principle of our initiative and outshines any dude's need to prove some shitty point. There's plenty of resources for doubtful dudes to read through - people have already put the effort into creating them, so it's easy to just have a few zines on hand or invite people to look it up themselves!
Love from Jonny
PS. Can't wait to see Plan B!
On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 12:00 AM, Wendy Monroe wendy.monroe@usermail.com wrote:
I agree, to me also, it makes more sense to identify as a human being and cyclist first.
In my opinion, identity politics makes non useful distinctions between people… encourages divisiveness. We have a lot more in common with each other as human beings who ride
than the superficial distinctions that may differentiate us such as skin color, whom we partner with, what gender clothes we might prefer to wear…
Just a thought as a bike repairer in a multiethnic neighborhood in Amsterdam.
Wendy Monroe
On 04 Jan 2013, at 01:24, mfen651@aol.com wrote:
Victor and all,
I can not help but respond to this. Some of you will see my response as negative, others as offensive, and a very few, as honest, authentic, and right on.
I'd like to try to soften all and any reactions for what is worth by
that I have spent fourteen years in offices, assemblies, workshops,
and other places, as a mediator listening (in many venues) to people "explain" themselves and their reason for their behaviors.
I for one am tired of the labels minority, protected class, gender
and a host of others that I am not going to waste yours, mine or anyone else's time listing.
In today's world, where more is spent on defense than on homelessness,
even more is spent on political campaigns than on those who don't have
to eat, one doesn't have to look far to see the worlds priorities are somewhat misaligned.
That said, I would no more supports an advocacy group that would call
"The Ovarian Psychos" or "Plan B Ladies, Trans and Sissies". Those very names are offensive to me, let alone millions (I'd bet) that are theoretically described by those names or labels as they would be
Perhaps the one label I wear proudly is that of cyclist. I ride with
of all genders, races, cultures, and sexual preferences, as well as life style choices. Really, I could give a rats ass in you know where what anyone's choices are with regards to those labels. I care only that they like me, enjoy a ride, and off we go. This attitude has brought me new experiences, new friends, and best of all, new knowledge. Knowledge that reinforces my stance here.
If we are to label one another in terms of gender preference, sexual preference or racial character, then we acknowledge that we have a
that label or we would not accept it. If we do that, then we fan the
of bias and conversely indicate our prejudice. If you are one, than you
the other, and then you become part of the problem, not part of the solution.
I do not thing this matter belongs as a subset of cycling. Perhaps
populations should be. Perhaps world peace should be. Perhaps feeding
world population should be. Perhaps exposing one or another group that
underrepresented in cycling should be, but it should not be the other way around as you are advocating for.
Cycling is for just about everyone, and at some point in time, if we can create the accessibility that we need to be focused on, if we can create
motivational messages that we should be focused on, if we can create the understanding that we should be focused on, then one day is might be everyone, rather than just about everyone.
I can support or ask anyone to advocate or support what you are
here, nor do I thing the subject line is fitting. This is not
supportive of
women, its supportive of a very unique and niche group of women, whom do
and should not enjoy the support of the majority of women. By adopting
label, name if you will they have, they demean the larger population of females in the world.
Again, this is my thoughts based on a life time of promoting
and communication between all people of the planet and just hopefully, beyond.
Happy New Year Everyone.
Matt Fenichel
-----Original Message----- From: mustafaa ali ali.mustafaa@gmail.com To: The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Sent: Thu, Jan 3, 2013 6:40 pm Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Support women.
On Dec 17, 2012 6:04 PM, "Plan B" nolabikeproject@gmail.com wrote:
Hey Y'all, As you may be aware, one of the overriding characteristics of Plan B,
New Orleans Community Bike Project is our belief and constant practice
“practical radicalism”. We believe that one of the most efficient and practicable ways to espouse culture shift is by performing outreach and enacting mutual social aid. We've learned this in a concise manner
our history. We made the original call for Bike!Bike! in 2004, a tradition that has progressed into an enormous gathering that crosses borders and causes
impact. We're proud to host Bike!Bike! X, the tenth gathering and
and hope to introduce new traditions by expanding programming and
more than ever before. The Chainbreaker book, written by Shelley Jackson and Ethan Clark is another one of Plan B's babies and it's publishing was a definite push
DIY culture. Due to the generosity of Working Bikes in Chicago, we have a regular supply of raw materials and used bikes that we use to teach classes and further our outreach. We have shared the bikes with new community bike projects in Mississippi and Alabama and are eager to distribute more regionally. We also use the sale of bikes to fund the space and special projects like our recent trip to present at 5th Annual National Urban Cycling Congress in Oaxaca, Mexico. We co-presented with representatives from several other community bike initiatives from across the US in an attempt to espouse more like-minded initiatives as a force of economic
social justice throughout all of the Americas. Our presentation
garnered a
lot of interest and we are working with several new initiatives
Mexico in a support and advisory role. We know that outreach is working
we expect a strong presence of Mexican allies at Bike!Bike! X. One of the more exciting things that happened at Bike!Bike! 2012 was
race was finally a real topic. Contributing factors were a combination
workshops and the presence of more people of color at Bike!Bike! than
before. The Ovarian Psychos ( http://ovarianpsycos.com/about/ ) were an impressive presence at the gathering and for the first time ever, an organized group by and for women with a strong base of people of color unified many within our group. These sisters don't mess around and they
now committed to launching their own community bike space. Plan B
Trans and Sissies night (
) has committed to help them accomplish this[ and ]that's why we're
for your support. Our latest initiative is a little different and for the first time ever, we're crowd-sourcing the funding. Our Ladies, Trans, and Sissies night coordinators, Tracey and Alisha, are going from LA to L.A. to support
OP's and bring them resources and materials. The reason I'm sending
this out
to the ThinkTank and distributing this appeal far and wide (and hoping
all do the same) is that I think for many of us this is an excellent opportunity to contribute to a cause that is greater than any of us and something that's always been prevalent in our discussions of social
within our milieu. Specifically, the topic is gender and gender
and no matter how much we discuss it at a conference or try to resolve
the bluntest truth is that the core of the hard work in achieving gender equity is done by women, for women and while males can certainly be
and supporters, the best situation is to allow women to be
and invest in their own communities devoid of patriarchy and male
Won't you join us in supporting gender equity and social justice within the realm of community bike projects? Even if it's $5, anything helps
this important work to be done. The goal of $1000 is on the low side.
love to be able to support them fiscally and provide several tools and
the seeds for this very important space to flourish and cause real
Here's the link to the indiegogo page where you can read more about it.
I'll be happy to answer any questions in this thread. Please support if you can and help spread the word. Can't wait to see you all in October, 2013!
All the best,
-- Victor Pizarro Project Organizer Plan B, The New Orleans Community Bike Project
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org To manage your subscription, plase visit:
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to
To manage your subscription, plase visit:
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to
To manage your subscription, plase visit:
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to
To manage your subscription, plase visit:
-- John Barrett The Good Life Community Bicycle Shop / Two Wheel View / The Organic Saskatoon & Iron Orchard jonny@goodlifebikes.ca 403.619.2648 _______________________________________________ Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org To manage your subscription, plase visit:

Much love for OP and PlanB, and really only one thing to say about this issue: if you disagree with bringing identities and anti-oppressive language into cycling, good for you, just don't even bother to speak up about it. In no way does a specifically trans, or spanish speaking, or women oriented (or anything) cycling space impede conventional cycling crowds access to cycling, whereas conventional cycling, because of the culture here, impedes others' access to cycling. There is enough written about feminism, race, disability/access, on the internet so this really doesn't need to be a long thread on thinktank.
But this stance of "cycling for everybody", and not specifically putting energy into other marginalized groups, was ultimately divisive and an obstacle to achieving our mission here in San Diego.
On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 5:48 AM, Kevin Dwyer kevidwyer@gmail.com wrote:
Excited to see the OPs crankin' it up! The discussion is worthy also, as evidenced by folks of different types and places on both sides of the divide.
One way to look at this is the difference between Equitable and Equal. Equitable analysis treats different people appropriately different. We wouldn't ask a friend with a handcycle to go ride single track. While Equal is a value and aspiration, we all know that people are born, raised and live in different circumstances. Acknowledging these differences and accommodating them allows everyone to rise to their fullest potential.
So, while we might desire to live in a post gender/racial/sectarian/sex preference world, the folks at OP seem to be making very real progress toward their potential by creating a space where they can address their needs. There is no doubt that bicycles (especially in North America) have and are largely the province of males. If male presence/dominance keeps some people from getting involved, let's not ask them to feel unsafe/unwelcome/unappreciated/etc. ...let's give them the support they say they need.
In my experience, Separatism is often a transitional strategy, giving people the time and supportive space to accumulate the skills, knowledge, culture and confidence to relate to the plural community. There is significant research on the success of separate space in education (gals and math achievement, for instance). While I doubt that the need for separate space will go away anytime soon, I'm sure that the folks at OP (and others similarly situated) would be feeling a bunch better if white males (and others) were quick to recognize and support their efforts. We'll all be better off with more people riding/maintaining their own bikes.
Thanks for using bikes to change the world!
Kevin The Bicycle Collective Salt Lake City
On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 3:29 AM, jonny b jonny@goodlifebikes.ca wrote:
Way to go Ovarian Psychos! It's great to hear the good news and I look forward to hearing more about it.
... And I'm totally amazed/blown away that we're still having conversations about the necessity of things like Ladies, Trans and Sissies night. Our lil' shop (in redneck Calgary, Alberta) has seen huge community benefits from similar safe spaces. A few people (white dudes) have complained/not joined/etc over it and fuck'em - feminism's a founding and explicit principle of our initiative and outshines any dude's need to prove some shitty point. There's plenty of resources for doubtful dudes to read through - people have already put the effort into creating them, so it's easy to just have a few zines on hand or invite people to look it up themselves!
Love from Jonny
PS. Can't wait to see Plan B!
On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 12:00 AM, Wendy Monroe wendy.monroe@usermail.com wrote:
I agree, to me also, it makes more sense to identify as a human being
cyclist first.
In my opinion, identity politics makes non useful distinctions between people… encourages divisiveness. We have a lot more in common with each other as human beings who ride
than the superficial distinctions that may differentiate us such as skin color, whom we partner with, what gender clothes we might prefer to
Just a thought as a bike repairer in a multiethnic neighborhood in Amsterdam.
Wendy Monroe
On 04 Jan 2013, at 01:24, mfen651@aol.com wrote:
Victor and all,
I can not help but respond to this. Some of you will see my response as negative, others as offensive, and a very few, as honest, authentic, and right on.
I'd like to try to soften all and any reactions for what is worth by
that I have spent fourteen years in offices, assemblies, workshops,
and other places, as a mediator listening (in many venues) to people "explain" themselves and their reason for their behaviors.
I for one am tired of the labels minority, protected class, gender
and a host of others that I am not going to waste yours, mine or anyone else's time listing.
In today's world, where more is spent on defense than on homelessness,
even more is spent on political campaigns than on those who don't have
to eat, one doesn't have to look far to see the worlds priorities are somewhat misaligned.
That said, I would no more supports an advocacy group that would call
"The Ovarian Psychos" or "Plan B Ladies, Trans and Sissies". Those very names are offensive to me, let alone millions (I'd bet) that are theoretically described by those names or labels as they would be
Perhaps the one label I wear proudly is that of cyclist. I ride with
of all genders, races, cultures, and sexual preferences, as well as life style choices. Really, I could give a rats ass in you know where what anyone's choices are with regards to those labels. I care only that they like me, enjoy a ride, and off we go. This attitude has brought me new experiences, new friends, and best of all, new knowledge. Knowledge
reinforces my stance here.
If we are to label one another in terms of gender preference, sexual preference or racial character, then we acknowledge that we have a
that label or we would not accept it. If we do that, then we fan the
of bias and conversely indicate our prejudice. If you are one, than
you are
the other, and then you become part of the problem, not part of the solution.
I do not thing this matter belongs as a subset of cycling. Perhaps
populations should be. Perhaps world peace should be. Perhaps feeding
world population should be. Perhaps exposing one or another group that
underrepresented in cycling should be, but it should not be the other
around as you are advocating for.
Cycling is for just about everyone, and at some point in time, if we can create the accessibility that we need to be focused on, if we can
create the
motivational messages that we should be focused on, if we can create the understanding that we should be focused on, then one day is might be everyone, rather than just about everyone.
I can support or ask anyone to advocate or support what you are
here, nor do I thing the subject line is fitting. This is not
supportive of
women, its supportive of a very unique and niche group of women, whom
do not
and should not enjoy the support of the majority of women. By adopting
label, name if you will they have, they demean the larger population of females in the world.
Again, this is my thoughts based on a life time of promoting
and communication between all people of the planet and just hopefully, beyond.
Happy New Year Everyone.
Matt Fenichel
-----Original Message----- From: mustafaa ali ali.mustafaa@gmail.com To: The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Sent: Thu, Jan 3, 2013 6:40 pm Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Support women.
On Dec 17, 2012 6:04 PM, "Plan B" nolabikeproject@gmail.com wrote:
Hey Y'all, As you may be aware, one of the overriding characteristics of Plan B,
New Orleans Community Bike Project is our belief and constant practice
“practical radicalism”. We believe that one of the most efficient and practicable ways to espouse culture shift is by performing outreach and enacting mutual social aid. We've learned this in a concise manner
our history. We made the original call for Bike!Bike! in 2004, a tradition that has progressed into an enormous gathering that crosses borders and causes
impact. We're proud to host Bike!Bike! X, the tenth gathering and
and hope to introduce new traditions by expanding programming and
more than ever before. The Chainbreaker book, written by Shelley Jackson and Ethan Clark is another one of Plan B's babies and it's publishing was a definite push
DIY culture. Due to the generosity of Working Bikes in Chicago, we have a regular supply of raw materials and used bikes that we use to teach classes and further our outreach. We have shared the bikes with new community bike projects in Mississippi and Alabama and are eager to distribute more regionally. We also use the sale of bikes to fund the space and special projects like our recent trip to present at 5th Annual National Urban Cycling Congress in Oaxaca, Mexico. We co-presented with
from several other community bike initiatives from across the US in an attempt to espouse more like-minded initiatives as a force of economic
social justice throughout all of the Americas. Our presentation
garnered a
lot of interest and we are working with several new initiatives
Mexico in a support and advisory role. We know that outreach is
working and
we expect a strong presence of Mexican allies at Bike!Bike! X. One of the more exciting things that happened at Bike!Bike! 2012 was
race was finally a real topic. Contributing factors were a combination
workshops and the presence of more people of color at Bike!Bike! than
before. The Ovarian Psychos ( http://ovarianpsycos.com/about/ ) were
impressive presence at the gathering and for the first time ever, an organized group by and for women with a strong base of people of color unified many within our group. These sisters don't mess around and
they are
now committed to launching their own community bike space. Plan B
Trans and Sissies night (
) has committed to help them accomplish this[ and ]that's why we're
for your support. Our latest initiative is a little different and for the first time
we're crowd-sourcing the funding. Our Ladies, Trans, and Sissies night coordinators, Tracey and Alisha, are going from LA to L.A. to support
OP's and bring them resources and materials. The reason I'm sending
this out
to the ThinkTank and distributing this appeal far and wide (and hoping
all do the same) is that I think for many of us this is an excellent opportunity to contribute to a cause that is greater than any of us and something that's always been prevalent in our discussions of social
within our milieu. Specifically, the topic is gender and gender
and no matter how much we discuss it at a conference or try to resolve
the bluntest truth is that the core of the hard work in achieving
equity is done by women, for women and while males can certainly be
and supporters, the best situation is to allow women to be
and invest in their own communities devoid of patriarchy and male
Won't you join us in supporting gender equity and social justice within the realm of community bike projects? Even if it's $5, anything helps
this important work to be done. The goal of $1000 is on the low side.
love to be able to support them fiscally and provide several tools and
the seeds for this very important space to flourish and cause real
Here's the link to the indiegogo page where you can read more about it.
I'll be happy to answer any questions in this thread. Please support if you can and help spread the word. Can't wait to see you all in October, 2013!
All the best,
-- Victor Pizarro Project Organizer Plan B, The New Orleans Community Bike Project
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org To manage your subscription, plase visit:
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to
To manage your subscription, plase visit:
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to
To manage your subscription, plase visit:
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to
To manage your subscription, plase visit:
-- John Barrett The Good Life Community Bicycle Shop / Two Wheel View / The Organic Saskatoon & Iron Orchard jonny@goodlifebikes.ca 403.619.2648 _______________________________________________ Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org To manage your subscription, plase visit:
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org To manage your subscription, plase visit:

Hey Y'all,
I don't have much to say here.
It's pretty simple.
People that don't feel the brunt of oppression or those that have learned to accept generalized oppression as acceptable never really see the need for exclusive/safe spaces.
Some of these people will be privileged/entitled enough to express the sentiment that being a separatist is "damaging", and no criticisms here, it's completely understandable how this worldview comes about; however, it doesn't make it any less incorrect. I constantly hear privileged people arguing against "entitlements" and it's pretty similar.
Support if you want to. Don't if you don't want to. Just don't try to kill someone else's initiative because you don't believe in it, especially when it doesn't impact you directly.
That's just rude.
When we all have equality I'll shut up. That's a ways off, though.
On 1/4/2013 9:55 AM, ken eby-Gomez wrote:
Much love for OP and PlanB, and really only one thing to say about this issue: if you disagree with bringing identities and anti-oppressive language into cycling, good for you, just don't even bother to speak up about it. In no way does a specifically trans, or spanish speaking, or women oriented (or anything) cycling space impede conventional cycling crowds access to cycling, whereas conventional cycling, because of the culture here, impedes others' access to cycling. There is enough written about feminism, race, disability/access, on the internet so this really doesn't need to be a long thread on thinktank.
But this stance of "cycling for everybody", and not specifically putting energy into other marginalized groups, was ultimately divisive and an obstacle to achieving our mission here in San Diego.
On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 5:48 AM, Kevin Dwyer <kevidwyer@gmail.com mailto:kevidwyer@gmail.com> wrote:
Excited to see the OPs crankin' it up! The discussion is worthy also, as evidenced by folks of different types and places on both sides of the divide. One way to look at this is the difference between Equitable and Equal. Equitable analysis treats different people appropriately different. We wouldn't ask a friend with a handcycle to go ride single track. While Equal is a value and aspiration, we all know that people are born, raised and live in different circumstances. Acknowledging these differences and accommodating them allows everyone to rise to their fullest potential. So, while we might desire to live in a post gender/racial/sectarian/sex preference world, the folks at OP seem to be making very real progress toward their potential by creating a space where they can address their needs. There is no doubt that bicycles (especially in North America) have and are largely the province of males. If male presence/dominance keeps some people from getting involved, let's not ask them to feel unsafe/unwelcome/unappreciated/etc. ...let's give them the support they say they need. In my experience, Separatism is often a transitional strategy, giving people the time and supportive space to accumulate the skills, knowledge, culture and confidence to relate to the plural community. There is significant research on the success of separate space in education (gals and math achievement, for instance). While I doubt that the need for separate space will go away anytime soon, I'm sure that the folks at OP (and others similarly situated) would be feeling a bunch better if white males (and others) were quick to recognize and support their efforts. We'll all be better off with more people riding/maintaining their own bikes. Thanks for using bikes to change the world! Kevin The Bicycle Collective Salt Lake City On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 3:29 AM, jonny b <jonny@goodlifebikes.ca <mailto:jonny@goodlifebikes.ca>> wrote: Way to go Ovarian Psychos! It's great to hear the good news and I look forward to hearing more about it. ... And I'm totally amazed/blown away that we're still having conversations about the necessity of things like Ladies, Trans and Sissies night. Our lil' shop (in redneck Calgary, Alberta) has seen huge community benefits from similar safe spaces. A few people (white dudes) have complained/not joined/etc over it and fuck'em - feminism's a founding and explicit principle of our initiative and outshines any dude's need to prove some shitty point. There's plenty of resources for doubtful dudes to read through - people have already put the effort into creating them, so it's easy to just have a few zines on hand or invite people to look it up themselves! Love from Jonny PS. Can't wait to see Plan B! On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 12:00 AM, Wendy Monroe <wendy.monroe@usermail.com <mailto:wendy.monroe@usermail.com>> wrote: > I agree, to me also, it makes more sense to identify as a human being and > cyclist first. > > In my opinion, identity politics makes non useful distinctions between > people... encourages divisiveness. > We have a lot more in common with each other as human beings who ride bikes, > than the superficial distinctions that may differentiate us such as skin > color, whom we partner with, what gender clothes we might prefer to wear... > > Just a thought as a bike repairer in a multiethnic neighborhood in > Amsterdam. > > Wendy Monroe > > > > On 04 Jan 2013, at 01:24, mfen651@aol.com <mailto:mfen651@aol.com> wrote: > > Victor and all, > > I can not help but respond to this. Some of you will see my response as > negative, others as offensive, and a very few, as honest, authentic, and > right on. > > I'd like to try to soften all and any reactions for what is worth by sharing > that I have spent fourteen years in offices, assemblies, workshops, courts, > and other places, as a mediator listening (in many venues) to people > "explain" themselves and their reason for their behaviors. > > I for one am tired of the labels minority, protected class, gender oppressed > and a host of others that I am not going to waste yours, mine or anyone > else's time listing. > > In today's world, where more is spent on defense than on homelessness, and > even more is spent on political campaigns than on those who don't have food > to eat, one doesn't have to look far to see the worlds priorities are > somewhat misaligned. > > That said, I would no more supports an advocacy group that would call itself > "The Ovarian Psychos" or "Plan B Ladies, Trans and Sissies". Those very > names are offensive to me, let alone millions (I'd bet) that are > theoretically described by those names or labels as they would be properly > called. > > Perhaps the one label I wear proudly is that of cyclist. I ride with many, > of all genders, races, cultures, and sexual preferences, as well as life > style choices. Really, I could give a rats ass in you know where what > anyone's choices are with regards to those labels. I care only that they > like me, enjoy a ride, and off we go. This attitude has brought me new > experiences, new friends, and best of all, new knowledge. Knowledge that > reinforces my stance here. > > If we are to label one another in terms of gender preference, sexual > preference or racial character, then we acknowledge that we have a bias...to > that label or we would not accept it. If we do that, then we fan the fires > of bias and conversely indicate our prejudice. If you are one, than you are > the other, and then you become part of the problem, not part of the > solution. > > I do not thing this matter belongs as a subset of cycling. Perhaps blended > populations should be. Perhaps world peace should be. Perhaps feeding the > world population should be. Perhaps exposing one or another group that seem > underrepresented in cycling should be, but it should not be the other way > around as you are advocating for. > > Cycling is for just about everyone, and at some point in time, if we can > create the accessibility that we need to be focused on, if we can create the > motivational messages that we should be focused on, if we can create the > understanding that we should be focused on, then one day is might be > everyone, rather than just about everyone. > > I can support or ask anyone to advocate or support what you are suggesting > here, nor do I thing the subject line is fitting. This is not supportive of > women, its supportive of a very unique and niche group of women, whom do not > and should not enjoy the support of the majority of women. By adopting the > label, name if you will they have, they demean the larger population of > females in the world. > > Again, this is my thoughts based on a life time of promoting understanding > and communication between all people of the planet and just hopefully, > beyond. > > Happy New Year Everyone. > > Sincerely, > > Matt Fenichel > > > > -----Original Message----- > From: mustafaa ali <ali.mustafaa@gmail.com <mailto:ali.mustafaa@gmail.com>> > To: The Think Tank <thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org <mailto:thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org>> > Sent: Thu, Jan 3, 2013 6:40 pm > Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Support women. > > On Dec 17, 2012 6:04 PM, "Plan B" <nolabikeproject@gmail.com <mailto:nolabikeproject@gmail.com>> wrote: >> >> Hey Y'all, >> As you may be aware, one of the overriding characteristics of Plan B, The >> New Orleans Community Bike Project is our belief and constant practice of >> "practical radicalism". We believe that one of the most efficient and >> practicable ways to espouse culture shift is by performing outreach and >> enacting mutual social aid. We've learned this in a concise manner during >> our history. >> We made the original call for Bike!Bike! in 2004, a tradition that has >> progressed into an enormous gathering that crosses borders and causes global >> impact. We're proud to host Bike!Bike! X, the tenth gathering and conference >> and hope to introduce new traditions by expanding programming and offering >> more than ever before. >> The Chainbreaker book, written by Shelley Jackson and Ethan Clark is >> another one of Plan B's babies and it's publishing was a definite push for >> DIY culture. >> Due to the generosity of Working Bikes in Chicago, we have a regular >> supply of raw materials and used bikes that we use to teach classes and >> further our outreach. We have shared the bikes with new community bike >> projects in Mississippi and Alabama and are eager to distribute more >> regionally. We also use the sale of bikes to fund the space and special >> projects like our recent trip to present at 5th Annual National Urban >> Cycling Congress in Oaxaca, Mexico. We co-presented with representatives >> from several other community bike initiatives from across the US in an >> attempt to espouse more like-minded initiatives as a force of economic and >> social justice throughout all of the Americas. Our presentation garnered a >> lot of interest and we are working with several new initiatives throughout >> Mexico in a support and advisory role. We know that outreach is working and >> we expect a strong presence of Mexican allies at Bike!Bike! X. >> One of the more exciting things that happened at Bike!Bike! 2012 was that >> race was finally a real topic. Contributing factors were a combination of >> workshops and the presence of more people of color at Bike!Bike! than ever >> before. The Ovarian Psychos ( http://ovarianpsycos.com/about/ ) were an >> impressive presence at the gathering and for the first time ever, an >> organized group by and for women with a strong base of people of color >> unified many within our group. These sisters don't mess around and they are >> now committed to launching their own community bike space. Plan B Ladies, >> Trans and Sissies night ( http://bikeproject.org/programs/ladies-trans-queer >> ) has committed to help them accomplish this[ and ]that's why we're asking >> for your support. >> Our latest initiative is a little different and for the first time ever, >> we're crowd-sourcing the funding. Our Ladies, Trans, and Sissies night >> coordinators, Tracey and Alisha, are going from LA to L.A. to support the >> OP's and bring them resources and materials. The reason I'm sending this out >> to the ThinkTank and distributing this appeal far and wide (and hoping you >> all do the same) is that I think for many of us this is an excellent >> opportunity to contribute to a cause that is greater than any of us and >> something that's always been prevalent in our discussions of social equity >> within our milieu. Specifically, the topic is gender and gender oppression, >> and no matter how much we discuss it at a conference or try to resolve it, >> the bluntest truth is that the core of the hard work in achieving gender >> equity is done by women, for women and while males can certainly be allies >> and supporters, the best situation is to allow women to be self-determined >> and invest in their own communities devoid of patriarchy and male voices. >> >> Won't you join us in supporting gender equity and social justice within >> the realm of community bike projects? Even if it's $5, anything helps for >> this important work to be done. The goal of $1000 is on the low side. We'd >> love to be able to support them fiscally and provide several tools and plant >> the seeds for this very important space to flourish and cause real change. >> >> Here's the link to the indiegogo page where you can read more about it. >> >> http://www.indiegogo.com/LTS2OPB >> >> I'll be happy to answer any questions in this thread. Please support if >> you can and help spread the word. >> Can't wait to see you all in October, 2013! >> >> All the best, >> >> -- >> Victor Pizarro >> Project Organizer >> Plan B, The New Orleans Community Bike Project >> >> >> _______________________________________________ >> Thethinktank mailing list >> Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org <mailto:Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org> >> To unsubscribe, send a blank email to >> TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org <mailto:TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org> >> To manage your subscription, plase visit: >> >> http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org >> > _______________________________________________ > Thethinktank mailing list > Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org <mailto:Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org> > To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org <mailto:TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org> > To manage your subscription, plase visit: > http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org > > _______________________________________________ > Thethinktank mailing list > Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org <mailto:Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org> > To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org <mailto:TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org> > To manage your subscription, plase visit: > http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org > > > > _______________________________________________ > Thethinktank mailing list > Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org <mailto:Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org> > To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org <mailto:TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org> > To manage your subscription, plase visit: > http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org > -- John Barrett The Good Life Community Bicycle Shop / Two Wheel View / The Organic Saskatoon & Iron Orchard jonny@goodlifebikes.ca <mailto:jonny@goodlifebikes.ca> 403.619.2648 <tel:403.619.2648> _______________________________________________ Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org <mailto:Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org> To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org <mailto:TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org> To manage your subscription, plase visit: http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org _______________________________________________ Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org <mailto:Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org> To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org <mailto:TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org> To manage your subscription, plase visit: http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org To manage your subscription, plase visit: http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.o...

What Ken said -- our goals are to increase cycling and cycling mechanical knowledge overall, and there's a lot more people in the groups that aren't straight, white, older, English-speaking dudes than in the group that is, and there's a million ways to reach out to them. We can argue about what to call the non-SWOEDs, but if we get to a point where they're 100% cycling and cycling-aware but nobody else is, we've all failed. Miserably.
I'd also like to say that we should sort of assume that everyone here kind of knows their local target audiences. If a shift cheekily labeled WTF (Women-Trans-Femme) plays in SF but not Peoria, I'd trust the San Franciscans to run with the name and Peoria folks to find something more in tune with their community.
While we're going on about the offensiveness of labels, try to realize too that there are plenty that find the label "cyclist" somewhat offensive or inapplicable to them. I don't wear spandex. I don't salmon. All my bikes are steel with many gears and brakes and on-road tires. I don't ride on sidewalks. Hell, unless I'm trying to get somewhere specific, I don't even ride a bike. Yet I log as many bike miles as many of the underprivileged (and sometimes undocumented) folks here in Sacramento who can't afford cars, still have to get to work or school, and don't consider themselves "cyclists". Which reminds me that we need to widen our outreach...
P.S. I'd hope that any organization sporting the "Plan B" label in this day and age is in tune with feminist thought. From what I remember of Victor at Bike!Bike! San Marcos, I have no concerns on that front.
On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 7:55 AM, ken eby-Gomez kebygomez@gmail.com wrote:
Much love for OP and PlanB, and really only one thing to say about this issue: if you disagree with bringing identities and anti-oppressive language into cycling, good for you, just don't even bother to speak up about it. In no way does a specifically trans, or spanish speaking, or women oriented (or anything) cycling space impede conventional cycling crowds access to cycling, whereas conventional cycling, because of the culture here, impedes others' access to cycling. There is enough written about feminism, race, disability/access, on the internet so this really doesn't need to be a long thread on thinktank.
But this stance of "cycling for everybody", and not specifically putting energy into other marginalized groups, was ultimately divisive and an obstacle to achieving our mission here in San Diego.
On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 5:48 AM, Kevin Dwyer kevidwyer@gmail.com wrote:
Excited to see the OPs crankin' it up! The discussion is worthy also, as evidenced by folks of different types and places on both sides of the divide.
One way to look at this is the difference between Equitable and Equal. Equitable analysis treats different people appropriately different. We wouldn't ask a friend with a handcycle to go ride single track. While Equal is a value and aspiration, we all know that people are born, raised and live in different circumstances. Acknowledging these differences and accommodating them allows everyone to rise to their fullest potential.
So, while we might desire to live in a post gender/racial/sectarian/sex preference world, the folks at OP seem to be making very real progress toward their potential by creating a space where they can address their needs. There is no doubt that bicycles (especially in North America) have and are largely the province of males. If male presence/dominance keeps some people from getting involved, let's not ask them to feel unsafe/unwelcome/unappreciated/etc. ...let's give them the support they say they need.
In my experience, Separatism is often a transitional strategy, giving people the time and supportive space to accumulate the skills, knowledge, culture and confidence to relate to the plural community. There is significant research on the success of separate space in education (gals and math achievement, for instance). While I doubt that the need for separate space will go away anytime soon, I'm sure that the folks at OP (and others similarly situated) would be feeling a bunch better if white males (and others) were quick to recognize and support their efforts. We'll all be better off with more people riding/maintaining their own bikes.
Thanks for using bikes to change the world!
Kevin The Bicycle Collective Salt Lake City
On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 3:29 AM, jonny b jonny@goodlifebikes.ca wrote:
Way to go Ovarian Psychos! It's great to hear the good news and I look forward to hearing more about it.
... And I'm totally amazed/blown away that we're still having conversations about the necessity of things like Ladies, Trans and Sissies night. Our lil' shop (in redneck Calgary, Alberta) has seen huge community benefits from similar safe spaces. A few people (white dudes) have complained/not joined/etc over it and fuck'em - feminism's a founding and explicit principle of our initiative and outshines any dude's need to prove some shitty point. There's plenty of resources for doubtful dudes to read through - people have already put the effort into creating them, so it's easy to just have a few zines on hand or invite people to look it up themselves!
Love from Jonny
PS. Can't wait to see Plan B!
On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 12:00 AM, Wendy Monroe wendy.monroe@usermail.com wrote:
I agree, to me also, it makes more sense to identify as a human being
cyclist first.
In my opinion, identity politics makes non useful distinctions between people… encourages divisiveness. We have a lot more in common with each other as human beings who ride
than the superficial distinctions that may differentiate us such as
color, whom we partner with, what gender clothes we might prefer to
Just a thought as a bike repairer in a multiethnic neighborhood in Amsterdam.
Wendy Monroe
On 04 Jan 2013, at 01:24, mfen651@aol.com wrote:
Victor and all,
I can not help but respond to this. Some of you will see my response
negative, others as offensive, and a very few, as honest, authentic,
right on.
I'd like to try to soften all and any reactions for what is worth by
that I have spent fourteen years in offices, assemblies, workshops,
and other places, as a mediator listening (in many venues) to people "explain" themselves and their reason for their behaviors.
I for one am tired of the labels minority, protected class, gender
and a host of others that I am not going to waste yours, mine or anyone else's time listing.
In today's world, where more is spent on defense than on homelessness,
even more is spent on political campaigns than on those who don't have
to eat, one doesn't have to look far to see the worlds priorities are somewhat misaligned.
That said, I would no more supports an advocacy group that would call
"The Ovarian Psychos" or "Plan B Ladies, Trans and Sissies". Those
names are offensive to me, let alone millions (I'd bet) that are theoretically described by those names or labels as they would be
Perhaps the one label I wear proudly is that of cyclist. I ride with
of all genders, races, cultures, and sexual preferences, as well as
style choices. Really, I could give a rats ass in you know where what anyone's choices are with regards to those labels. I care only that
like me, enjoy a ride, and off we go. This attitude has brought me new experiences, new friends, and best of all, new knowledge. Knowledge
reinforces my stance here.
If we are to label one another in terms of gender preference, sexual preference or racial character, then we acknowledge that we have a
that label or we would not accept it. If we do that, then we fan the
of bias and conversely indicate our prejudice. If you are one, than
you are
the other, and then you become part of the problem, not part of the solution.
I do not thing this matter belongs as a subset of cycling. Perhaps
populations should be. Perhaps world peace should be. Perhaps
feeding the
world population should be. Perhaps exposing one or another group
that seem
underrepresented in cycling should be, but it should not be the other
around as you are advocating for.
Cycling is for just about everyone, and at some point in time, if we
create the accessibility that we need to be focused on, if we can
create the
motivational messages that we should be focused on, if we can create
understanding that we should be focused on, then one day is might be everyone, rather than just about everyone.
I can support or ask anyone to advocate or support what you are
here, nor do I thing the subject line is fitting. This is not
supportive of
women, its supportive of a very unique and niche group of women, whom
do not
and should not enjoy the support of the majority of women. By
adopting the
label, name if you will they have, they demean the larger population of females in the world.
Again, this is my thoughts based on a life time of promoting
and communication between all people of the planet and just hopefully, beyond.
Happy New Year Everyone.
Matt Fenichel
-----Original Message----- From: mustafaa ali ali.mustafaa@gmail.com To: The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Sent: Thu, Jan 3, 2013 6:40 pm Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Support women.
On Dec 17, 2012 6:04 PM, "Plan B" nolabikeproject@gmail.com wrote:
Hey Y'all, As you may be aware, one of the overriding characteristics of Plan B,
New Orleans Community Bike Project is our belief and constant
practice of
“practical radicalism”. We believe that one of the most efficient and practicable ways to espouse culture shift is by performing outreach
enacting mutual social aid. We've learned this in a concise manner
our history. We made the original call for Bike!Bike! in 2004, a tradition that has progressed into an enormous gathering that crosses borders and causes
impact. We're proud to host Bike!Bike! X, the tenth gathering and
and hope to introduce new traditions by expanding programming and
more than ever before. The Chainbreaker book, written by Shelley Jackson and Ethan Clark is another one of Plan B's babies and it's publishing was a definite
push for
DIY culture. Due to the generosity of Working Bikes in Chicago, we have a regular supply of raw materials and used bikes that we use to teach classes
further our outreach. We have shared the bikes with new community bike projects in Mississippi and Alabama and are eager to distribute more regionally. We also use the sale of bikes to fund the space and
projects like our recent trip to present at 5th Annual National Urban Cycling Congress in Oaxaca, Mexico. We co-presented with
from several other community bike initiatives from across the US in an attempt to espouse more like-minded initiatives as a force of
economic and
social justice throughout all of the Americas. Our presentation
garnered a
lot of interest and we are working with several new initiatives
Mexico in a support and advisory role. We know that outreach is
working and
we expect a strong presence of Mexican allies at Bike!Bike! X. One of the more exciting things that happened at Bike!Bike! 2012 was
race was finally a real topic. Contributing factors were a
combination of
workshops and the presence of more people of color at Bike!Bike! than
before. The Ovarian Psychos ( http://ovarianpsycos.com/about/ ) were
impressive presence at the gathering and for the first time ever, an organized group by and for women with a strong base of people of color unified many within our group. These sisters don't mess around and
they are
now committed to launching their own community bike space. Plan B
Trans and Sissies night (
) has committed to help them accomplish this[ and ]that's why we're
for your support. Our latest initiative is a little different and for the first time
we're crowd-sourcing the funding. Our Ladies, Trans, and Sissies night coordinators, Tracey and Alisha, are going from LA to L.A. to support
OP's and bring them resources and materials. The reason I'm sending
this out
to the ThinkTank and distributing this appeal far and wide (and
hoping you
all do the same) is that I think for many of us this is an excellent opportunity to contribute to a cause that is greater than any of us
something that's always been prevalent in our discussions of social
within our milieu. Specifically, the topic is gender and gender
and no matter how much we discuss it at a conference or try to
resolve it,
the bluntest truth is that the core of the hard work in achieving
equity is done by women, for women and while males can certainly be
and supporters, the best situation is to allow women to be
and invest in their own communities devoid of patriarchy and male
Won't you join us in supporting gender equity and social justice
the realm of community bike projects? Even if it's $5, anything helps
this important work to be done. The goal of $1000 is on the low side.
love to be able to support them fiscally and provide several tools
and plant
the seeds for this very important space to flourish and cause real
Here's the link to the indiegogo page where you can read more about
I'll be happy to answer any questions in this thread. Please support
you can and help spread the word. Can't wait to see you all in October, 2013!
All the best,
-- Victor Pizarro Project Organizer Plan B, The New Orleans Community Bike Project
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-- John Barrett The Good Life Community Bicycle Shop / Two Wheel View / The Organic Saskatoon & Iron Orchard jonny@goodlifebikes.ca 403.619.2648 _______________________________________________ Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org To manage your subscription, plase visit:
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participants (14)
Andrew Shooner
Freewheelin' Community Bikes
Froilan Eliseo Landeros
John Brown
jonny b
ken eby-Gomez
Kevin Dwyer
Leslie Peteya
mustafaa ali
Plan B
Ryan Sharpe
Wendy Monroe