Organizing a Bike!Bike! : organisational guidelines and up-to-date financial cues

Hello fellow CBS organizers and volunteers,
I won't beat around the bush, there is a good chance a Montreal bid will be proposed at B!B!CDMX '25. Alain Deschamps and I wanted to propose in Tijuana but we stepped down seing the already great bids placed and the big conversation that ensued. We already had some sort of idea of how a B!B! is organized but I would like to see org charts, sheets and docs used for preping this wonderfull event- I've seen the docs from the B!B! in Colorado on here, but would love to see other ones.
Would also like to know how much we can expect to pay to organize the B!B! in 2026. Is there any money left if the fund to help the orgarnizers or it's empty?
Thanks and hopefully we see eachother in August!
Gabriel ML, BQAM-E

Gabriel this is the most awesome thing YAY Montreal!
I have some historic documents from years gone by, both from when Toronto hosted and some stuff shared from other cities (at one point I had access to documents from LA but haven’t been able to find them this past year).
Generally speaking the event can cost from $4-$10K depending on what the hosts need to pay for (some can get space or food for free, some can not). However, for many years pretty consistently hosts came out with donations from attendees that was ~ double what their costs were, and as such there is usually a starter fund of $3-7K passed from the previous year.
I’ll dig up the documents I have to share, and I’m sure lots of other folks here will have some good input on this!
Solidarity from Toronto :)
On Thu, Jan 23, 2025 at 11:00 PM martin_labrosse.gabriel--- via TheThinkTank wrote:
Hello fellow CBS organizers and volunteers,
I won't beat around the bush, there is a good chance a Montreal bid will be proposed at B!B!CDMX '25. Alain Deschamps and I wanted to propose in Tijuana but we stepped down seing the already great bids placed and the big conversation that ensued. We already had some sort of idea of how a B!B! is organized but I would like to see org charts, sheets and docs used for preping this wonderfull event- I've seen the docs from the B!B! in Colorado on here, but would love to see other ones.
Would also like to know how much we can expect to pay to organize the B!B! in 2026. Is there any money left if the fund to help the orgarnizers or it's empty?
Thanks and hopefully we see eachother in August!
Gabriel ML, BQAM-E _______________________________________________ TheThinkTank mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit

Hi all/ salut la gang,
I love the idea of this happening in MTL. As I mentioned in a previous thread, Foro Mundial de la Bicicleta/ World Bike Forum is happening there this october, and it would be cool if the people from the FMB crew show up in CDMX ( I know some will, and I will pass the voice to that community), and hopefully it can be the same for the MTL bid should it be picked by the community.
Personally i'd be more than happy to support your bid, and to also try to link up with the people of l'Heureux Cyclage ( I'll be there for their event in Angoulême this coming April)
Bonne chance/mucha suerte/ good luck to you!
On Fri, 24 Jan 2025 at 10:13, Enzo via TheThinkTank <> wrote:
Camille from Winnipeg (2017) had a really good spreadsheet and a google folder with a lot of helpful stuff. I have access to it but would want someone’s ok before passing it on. I’ll look for what I can find from LA and try to send an email directly to you. Peter from the bike kitchen handles the money so I’ll try to reach out to him and get back to you. Ainsley if LA stuff was shared to you some of the files might use bici bici instead of bike bike in the title.
On Jan 24, 2025, at 04:46, Ainsley Naylor via TheThinkTank <> wrote:
Gabriel this is the most awesome thing YAY Montreal!
I have some historic documents from years gone by, both from when Toronto hosted and some stuff shared from other cities (at one point I had access to documents from LA but haven’t been able to find them this past year).
Generally speaking the event can cost from $4-$10K depending on what the hosts need to pay for (some can get space or food for free, some can not). However, for many years pretty consistently hosts came out with donations from attendees that was ~ double what their costs were, and as such there is usually a starter fund of $3-7K passed from the previous year.
I’ll dig up the documents I have to share, and I’m sure lots of other folks here will have some good input on this!
Solidarity from Toronto :)
On Thu, Jan 23, 2025 at 11:00 PM martin_labrosse.gabriel--- via TheThinkTank wrote:
Hello fellow CBS organizers and volunteers,
I won't beat around the bush, there is a good chance a Montreal bid will be proposed at B!B!CDMX '25. Alain Deschamps and I wanted to propose in Tijuana but we stepped down seing the already great bids placed and the big conversation that ensued. We already had some sort of idea of how a B!B! is organized but I would like to see org charts, sheets and docs used for preping this wonderfull event- I've seen the docs from the B!B! in Colorado on here, but would love to see other ones.
Would also like to know how much we can expect to pay to organize the B!B! in 2026. Is there any money left if the fund to help the orgarnizers or it's empty?
Thanks and hopefully we see eachother in August!
Gabriel ML, BQAM-E _______________________________________________ TheThinkTank mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit
TheThinkTank mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit
TheThinkTank mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit

Hola Bike!Bike! Communidad,
Primero que nada, queremos decir lo emocionados que estamos de que la Ciudad de México sea la sede de Bike!Bike! este año. Es, sin duda, el mejor evento para unir a la red de talleres comunitarios de bicicletas, y estamos inspirados por el increíble trabajo que se realiza a través de las fronteras.
Aquí en el Bike Library, hemos estado trabajando para convertirnos en un taller bilingüe en español e inglés, así que la idea de llevar un grupo a la Ciudad de México nos parece perfecta. Estuvimos en Tijuana en 2019.
Dicho esto, nos sorprendió un poco ver que agosto fue el mes elegido. Es una época muy ocupada para nosotros y sabemos que será un desafío asistir durante ese período. Tradicionalmente, Bike!Bike! se ha llevado a cabo en octubre, ¿cierto? ¿Es agosto el mes elegido este año porque el Foro Mundial se realizará en octubre?
Si no es posible que podamos asistir esta vez, apuntaremos para el próximo año, pero nos encantaría si octubre volviera a ser una opción. ¿Alguien más siente que octubre sería una mejor opción para Bike!Bike!?
Parece que octubre podría permitir que más personas asistan, pero, por supuesto, entendemos que las temporadas y los horarios son diferentes para cada uno.
Muchas gracias por todo el trabajo que implica organizar este increíble evento. Siempre es un placer conectar con todos ustedes, y esperamos con interés escuchar sus opiniones.
First off, we want to say how excited we are that Mexico City is hosting Bike!Bike! this year! It’s truly the best event for uniting the community bike shop network, and we’re inspired by the incredible work happening across borders.
Here at the Bike Library, we’ve been working toward becoming a Spanish/English bilingual shop, so the idea of bringing a group down to Mexico City feels like a perfect fit for us. We were in Tijuana in 2019.
That said, we were a bit surprised to see August as the chosen month. It’s such a busy time for us, and we know it will be a challenge to make it during that period. Traditionally, Bike!Bike! has been held in October, correct? Is August the chosen month this year because Foro Mundial is happening in October?
If it’s not possible for us to make it this time around, we’ll aim for next year, but we’d be thrilled if October became an option again. Does anyone else feel strongly about an October Bike!Bike!?
It seems like October might allow more people to attend, but of course, we recognize that seasons and schedules differ for everyone.
Thanks so much for all the work that goes into organizing this amazing event. It’s always a joy to connect with all of you, and we’re looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
Peace & grease,
*Audrey Wiedemeier* (She/her/hers) Iowa City Bike Library, Director
1222 S. Gilbert Court, Iowa City, IA *Hours: Wednesdays & Friday 12 - 5 and SATURDAYS 10 - 3* Want to donate? Drop off anytime during these hours. Thank you! C: (515) 450-1651
On Fri, Jan 24, 2025 at 11:24 AM Alejandro Manga Tinoco via TheThinkTank <> wrote:
Hi all/ salut la gang,
I love the idea of this happening in MTL. As I mentioned in a previous thread, Foro Mundial de la Bicicleta/ World Bike Forum is happening there this october, and it would be cool if the people from the FMB crew show up in CDMX ( I know some will, and I will pass the voice to that community), and hopefully it can be the same for the MTL bid should it be picked by the community.
Personally i'd be more than happy to support your bid, and to also try to link up with the people of l'Heureux Cyclage ( I'll be there for their event in Angoulême this coming April)
Bonne chance/mucha suerte/ good luck to you!
On Fri, 24 Jan 2025 at 10:13, Enzo via TheThinkTank <> wrote:
Camille from Winnipeg (2017) had a really good spreadsheet and a google folder with a lot of helpful stuff. I have access to it but would want someone’s ok before passing it on. I’ll look for what I can find from LA and try to send an email directly to you. Peter from the bike kitchen handles the money so I’ll try to reach out to him and get back to you. Ainsley if LA stuff was shared to you some of the files might use bici bici instead of bike bike in the title.
On Jan 24, 2025, at 04:46, Ainsley Naylor via TheThinkTank <> wrote:
Gabriel this is the most awesome thing YAY Montreal!
I have some historic documents from years gone by, both from when Toronto hosted and some stuff shared from other cities (at one point I had access to documents from LA but haven’t been able to find them this past year).
Generally speaking the event can cost from $4-$10K depending on what the hosts need to pay for (some can get space or food for free, some can not). However, for many years pretty consistently hosts came out with donations from attendees that was ~ double what their costs were, and as such there is usually a starter fund of $3-7K passed from the previous year.
I’ll dig up the documents I have to share, and I’m sure lots of other folks here will have some good input on this!
Solidarity from Toronto :)
On Thu, Jan 23, 2025 at 11:00 PM martin_labrosse.gabriel--- via TheThinkTank wrote:
Hello fellow CBS organizers and volunteers,
I won't beat around the bush, there is a good chance a Montreal bid will be proposed at B!B!CDMX '25. Alain Deschamps and I wanted to propose in Tijuana but we stepped down seing the already great bids placed and the big conversation that ensued. We already had some sort of idea of how a B!B! is organized but I would like to see org charts, sheets and docs used for preping this wonderfull event- I've seen the docs from the B!B! in Colorado on here, but would love to see other ones.
Would also like to know how much we can expect to pay to organize the B!B! in 2026. Is there any money left if the fund to help the orgarnizers or it's empty?
Thanks and hopefully we see eachother in August!
Gabriel ML, BQAM-E _______________________________________________ TheThinkTank mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit
TheThinkTank mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit
TheThinkTank mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit
TheThinkTank mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit

Hola Otra Vez,
Recibí respuesta de un miembro de la comunidad de Bike!Bike! que compartió ideas muy valiosas sobre los factores que influyen en la selección de las fechas para el evento y los desafíos de equilibrar las temporadas ocupadas y las más tranquilas en los distintos talleres alrededor del mundo.
Es útil comprender cómo se ha discutido esto en el pasado y los posibles sesgos que pueden surgir al mantenerlo en la misma época cada año.
Sugirieron la posibilidad de enviar 1-2 representantes este año, incluso si no podemos llevar a un grupo más grande. Apreciamos el enfoque reflexivo de todos los que contribuyen a hacer que Bike!Bike! sea lo más accesible posible.
I heard back from a B!B! community member who had some great insights as to the factors involved in selecting the timing for Bike!Bike! and the challenges of balancing busy and slow seasons across different shops world wide! It’s helpful to understand that this has been discussed in the past and the potential biases that can arise from keeping it at the same time each year. Makes sense!
They suggested the possibility of sending 1-2 representatives this year, even if we can’t bring a larger group. We appreciate the thoughtful approach everyone who helps make Bike!Bike! as accessible as possible!
Peace & grease,
*Audrey Wiedemeier* (She/her/hers) Iowa City Bike Library, Director
1222 S. Gilbert Court, Iowa City, IA *Hours: Wednesdays & Friday 12 - 5 and SATURDAYS 10 - 3* Want to donate? Drop off anytime during these hours. Thank you! C: (515) 450-1651
On Tue, Jan 28, 2025 at 5:37 PM Audrey Wiedemeier wrote:
Hola Bike!Bike! Communidad,
Primero que nada, queremos decir lo emocionados que estamos de que la Ciudad de México sea la sede de Bike!Bike! este año. Es, sin duda, el mejor evento para unir a la red de talleres comunitarios de bicicletas, y estamos inspirados por el increíble trabajo que se realiza a través de las fronteras.
Aquí en el Bike Library, hemos estado trabajando para convertirnos en un taller bilingüe en español e inglés, así que la idea de llevar un grupo a la Ciudad de México nos parece perfecta. Estuvimos en Tijuana en 2019.
Dicho esto, nos sorprendió un poco ver que agosto fue el mes elegido. Es una época muy ocupada para nosotros y sabemos que será un desafío asistir durante ese período. Tradicionalmente, Bike!Bike! se ha llevado a cabo en octubre, ¿cierto? ¿Es agosto el mes elegido este año porque el Foro Mundial se realizará en octubre?
Si no es posible que podamos asistir esta vez, apuntaremos para el próximo año, pero nos encantaría si octubre volviera a ser una opción. ¿Alguien más siente que octubre sería una mejor opción para Bike!Bike!?
Parece que octubre podría permitir que más personas asistan, pero, por supuesto, entendemos que las temporadas y los horarios son diferentes para cada uno.
Muchas gracias por todo el trabajo que implica organizar este increíble evento. Siempre es un placer conectar con todos ustedes, y esperamos con interés escuchar sus opiniones.
First off, we want to say how excited we are that Mexico City is hosting Bike!Bike! this year! It’s truly the best event for uniting the community bike shop network, and we’re inspired by the incredible work happening across borders.
Here at the Bike Library, we’ve been working toward becoming a Spanish/English bilingual shop, so the idea of bringing a group down to Mexico City feels like a perfect fit for us. We were in Tijuana in 2019.
That said, we were a bit surprised to see August as the chosen month. It’s such a busy time for us, and we know it will be a challenge to make it during that period. Traditionally, Bike!Bike! has been held in October, correct? Is August the chosen month this year because Foro Mundial is happening in October?
If it’s not possible for us to make it this time around, we’ll aim for next year, but we’d be thrilled if October became an option again. Does anyone else feel strongly about an October Bike!Bike!?
It seems like October might allow more people to attend, but of course, we recognize that seasons and schedules differ for everyone.
Thanks so much for all the work that goes into organizing this amazing event. It’s always a joy to connect with all of you, and we’re looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
Peace & grease,
*Audrey Wiedemeier* (She/her/hers) Iowa City Bike Library, Director
1222 S. Gilbert Court, Iowa City, IA *Hours: Wednesdays & Friday 12 - 5 and SATURDAYS 10 - 3* Want to donate? Drop off anytime during these hours. Thank you! C: (515) 450-1651
On Fri, Jan 24, 2025 at 11:24 AM Alejandro Manga Tinoco via TheThinkTank <> wrote:
Hi all/ salut la gang,
I love the idea of this happening in MTL. As I mentioned in a previous thread, Foro Mundial de la Bicicleta/ World Bike Forum is happening there this october, and it would be cool if the people from the FMB crew show up in CDMX ( I know some will, and I will pass the voice to that community), and hopefully it can be the same for the MTL bid should it be picked by the community.
Personally i'd be more than happy to support your bid, and to also try to link up with the people of l'Heureux Cyclage ( I'll be there for their event in Angoulême this coming April)
Bonne chance/mucha suerte/ good luck to you!
On Fri, 24 Jan 2025 at 10:13, Enzo via TheThinkTank <> wrote:
Camille from Winnipeg (2017) had a really good spreadsheet and a google folder with a lot of helpful stuff. I have access to it but would want someone’s ok before passing it on. I’ll look for what I can find from LA and try to send an email directly to you. Peter from the bike kitchen handles the money so I’ll try to reach out to him and get back to you. Ainsley if LA stuff was shared to you some of the files might use bici bici instead of bike bike in the title.
On Jan 24, 2025, at 04:46, Ainsley Naylor via TheThinkTank <> wrote:
Gabriel this is the most awesome thing YAY Montreal!
I have some historic documents from years gone by, both from when Toronto hosted and some stuff shared from other cities (at one point I had access to documents from LA but haven’t been able to find them this past year).
Generally speaking the event can cost from $4-$10K depending on what the hosts need to pay for (some can get space or food for free, some can not). However, for many years pretty consistently hosts came out with donations from attendees that was ~ double what their costs were, and as such there is usually a starter fund of $3-7K passed from the previous year.
I’ll dig up the documents I have to share, and I’m sure lots of other folks here will have some good input on this!
Solidarity from Toronto :)
On Thu, Jan 23, 2025 at 11:00 PM martin_labrosse.gabriel--- via TheThinkTank wrote:
Hello fellow CBS organizers and volunteers,
I won't beat around the bush, there is a good chance a Montreal bid will be proposed at B!B!CDMX '25. Alain Deschamps and I wanted to propose in Tijuana but we stepped down seing the already great bids placed and the big conversation that ensued. We already had some sort of idea of how a B!B! is organized but I would like to see org charts, sheets and docs used for preping this wonderfull event- I've seen the docs from the B!B! in Colorado on here, but would love to see other ones.
Would also like to know how much we can expect to pay to organize the B!B! in 2026. Is there any money left if the fund to help the orgarnizers or it's empty?
Thanks and hopefully we see eachother in August!
Gabriel ML, BQAM-E _______________________________________________ TheThinkTank mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit
TheThinkTank mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit
TheThinkTank mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit
TheThinkTank mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit

Thanks for your answers!
Any chance getting your hands on the Toronto, Winipeg and LA documents?
If we want to organise on a function-comitee base, would these 6 comitees cover all to your organizers' idea of a B!B! organization? 1-General coordination 2- Program - workshops and stuff 3-Housing 4-Food 5-Bike fleet 6-Social/party/postB!B! trip

Hey, thanks for the reminder and bump on this thread.
I appreciate Enzo's point about consent and information sharing, but at the same time I think Bike!Bike! organizers have a responsibility to be transparent and accountable to the community, and the financials should be accessible, along with other useful documents that could help anyone interested to understand how these events are organized (including problems and roadblocks that some orgs face in the process).
Perhaps we can work towards a standard of how this information and documents can be shared and accessible moving forward, including certain information that should be accessible to future hosts.
I will say that we hosted so long ago in Toronto that the numbers are laughable (I think we spent a total of like $2,000, including $1,000 on food?) but I will look for our budget from hosting the regional conference in 2019.
In regards to breakdown for committees, you're pretty much spot on but you may want to have another group for communications. While each registration element will likely need a main comms person (housing, workshop organizing, bike lending), you may want someone who is bottomlining your outreach, invitations, website copy, welcome package content including a map, + translation elements. This may include a web-person, or you may need a whole web/mobile team, especially if a lot of the comms stuff is going digital and we will be livestreaming workshops etc. ....
My 2-cents :)
On Thu, Feb 13, 2025 at 2:34 PM martin_labrosse.gabriel--- via TheThinkTank wrote:
Thanks for your answers!
Any chance getting your hands on the Toronto, Winipeg and LA documents?
If we want to organise on a function-comitee base, would these 6 comitees cover all to your organizers' idea of a B!B! organization? 1-General coordination 2- Program - workshops and stuff 3-Housing 4-Food 5-Bike fleet 6-Social/party/postB!B! trip _______________________________________________ TheThinkTank mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit

Still lurking here, just don't have much bandwidth.
I think Ainsley's thinking above re: transparency is right.

To clarify, I think the documents should be made available but I’d prefer someone from that bike bike be the one to share them. I’ll be sharing any that I find from LA bike bike (I’m still hunting them down. It was a bit of a hectic time and record keeping wasn’t the top priority for everyone but they should exist.)
On Feb 13, 2025, at 16:03, cyclista--- via TheThinkTank wrote:
Still lurking here, just don't have much bandwidth.
I think Ainsley's thinking above re: transparency is right. _______________________________________________ TheThinkTank mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit
participants (6)
Ainsley Naylor
Alejandro Manga Tinoco
Audrey Wiedemeier